"They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist ..." -- The last words of Union General John Sedgewick at the battle of Spotsylvania, when cautioned that he was a perfect target for Confederate snipers.
Issa Promised Tough, but So Far Oversight Isn’t
“Some of the more tumultuous hearings are still to come,” the Utah Republican (Rep. Jason Chaffetz ) said, noting that the ATF investigation is of utmost importance. “I think we’ve laid the foundation for a lot of things.”
You'd think that people would be more animated and upset. But then I forgot that the media hasn't been reporting any of this so, there's no reason for anyone to question or get upset, is there?
Yeah, just where is all of this going? I think most of us have decided that Gunrunner/Gunwalker/Fast & Furious/ will slowly disappear from the political radar as time is dragged out indefinitely.
It's almost time, guys. Our backs have been against that "wall" for so long, that we're really behind it now, and there are bars on the windows.
“Some of the more tumultuous hearings are still to come,” the Utah Republican said, noting that the ATF investigation is of utmost importance. “I think we’ve laid the foundation for a lot of things.”
There is ample time remaining for Issa's committe to conduct hearings.
It would be a mistake to rush the investigation and overlook a critical detail or fail to subpeona an important witness.
"The wheels of justice grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine."
I told you so. Really! Check my comments to earlier posts about Issa.
I told you so.
DAMN! I hate being right.
If honest politician is an oxymoron, gutless politician is a tautology.
Can somebody point me in the direction of a reasonably priced .223/5.56?
Bad Cyborg X
Thanks for the reference to Sedgewick, another US government thug.
Then there's Jack Hinson\'s One Man War for a great example of how to handle the US government.
Don't lose hope yet. Sometimes it takes a little time for a train to pick up speed.
Can somebody point me in the direction of a reasonably priced
.223/5.56?--Bad Cyborg X
Take a look at the Double Star
The DS chamber is cut for 5.56 NATO. Many rival offerings actually use .223 specs (even while claiming 5.56 chamber dimensions), which can lead to overpressure problems.
Insist on a 5.56 chamber!
Double Star is an excellent value for a gun of this type.
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