Situation Report:
A reader has graciously used frequent flier miles to ensure that I get from Birmingham to DC for the next hearing. I will fly out on the 6th and come back on the 10th. It always knocks me for a loop when readers kick in to help, especially on that level and most often it happens when I don't even ask. As before, I will not be spending any money on a Hilton resort, as the DOJ's Office of the Inspector General always does when they go to Phoenix to interview whistleblowers for 15 minutes.
I will be staying with friends, in Free America south of the Potomac. However, taking on the PATCON story at this juncture has added another whole layer of expense to this Sipsey Street Irregulars proposition. There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of pages of PATCON documents that I must print out for study and circulation to other experts. My last printer broke down some time ago and I have been making do by going to the library but at 15 cents a copy and the volume required, that will no longer suffice. I will also need some folding stuff for photocopies and other expenses in DC while I am there.
The last time I was in DC, I don't suppose that I bought more than three meals myself, since my generous friends took care of that as well. This time, I will need to do better, which means that I must panhandle y'all for the resources.
I hate it, but I don't see how I can accomplish what needs to be done without it.
I can't offer you tax deduction status and I'm sure not tax exempt myself. I also understand what economic stresses y'all are under and I feel guilty about even asking. Please, for those of you who have already sent subscriptions, understand that that I'm not asking more from you. Please don't send more. But if you haven't thought to send a little before and feel like maybe now's the time, you can donate by clicking on the PayPal button to the right or by sending whatever you feel appropriate to Mike Vanderboegh, P.O. Box 926, Pinson, AL 35126.
In any case, I promise that I will not do as this lady advertises, for I truly cannot dance. Never could. Even before the cane.
Mike: Get your book published and you won't have to depend on the kindness of strangers.
How much you talkin', Mike?
Actually Anonymous, no one understands that more than me. But even assuming that Absolved is now going to be out by Christmas, and it seems to be tracking that way, it will take a while to develop much of an income stream.
And, Female III, I don't have an aggregate figure because as sure as I name one, I'll get too much from a half dozen sources. Just, well, enough small subscriptions to get me where I can do the things that need doing.
Thanks, and God bless you,
Mike, donation sent. Keep up the good work!
Earl AKA MI-copperhead
standby for re-supply
You got it. If you need more let me know.
Pick out a printer you would like and post a link to it.
BTW, Please confirm in the comments when you have sent the e-mail. That e-mail address is reserved for public exposure/potential spamming.
I've purchased three refurbished HP 2200D Laser Printers (Double-side-DUPLEX-capable to reduce volume and weight) on eBay. See http://www.ebay.com/ctg/HP-LaserJet-2200d-Workgroup-Laser-Printer-/48463466
At this price when they break you just get another. Double-sided printing is the only way to go.
$$Incoming$$...even though you told us not to.
And if you get a free moment in DC for a photo op, I'd sure like to hoist one for you at the Cap City Brewery.
The check is in the mail
Donation Sent.
What time can I expect the jack-booted thugs to kick in my door, please? I'd like to be dressed appropriately...
Sent a little happy cabbage, KICK ASS AND TAKE NAMES!
Dixie Dennis
I'm willing to bet that when you announce "pre-sale" your problem$ will be over in about 15 minutes!
I also have 300,000 Holiday Inn credits you may use for free nights.
You have my email address.
I'll pay for a few copies of your book even before it is released, but so far I can't find a way to do that. In Chicago you said six weeks.
Help us help you, Mike.
Rob Morse
Godspeed Mike-have some on me-you deserve it and i'll also buy 3 copies of your book when they are out- Johnny Gee
just a small donation...I live close to DC, in the PRMD, email if you need anything
resupply inbound...go with God...I am in the area if you have any issues, email me...
Mike, I don't know you or read the Sipsey St. Irregulars. However I have been keeping up with David Codrea and I find that what you've been doing in F&F/GW is the equivalent of being a modern day patriot. Throwing boxes of tea overboard is so last millennia. Our problems now stem from within the system involving people that feel they can milk it for every last drop- for their personal gratification, for their misaligned causes and for their "lobby". While I'm pro-rights (hence, pro 2A) it's way more than just pro or anti-gun. The reporting you and David have been doing is working to reveal a horribly scaled and slimy underbelly that *must* see the light of day. It's my government and I will not allow them to do the things they are doing in "my" name as a taxpayer and citizen. Thank you for your hard work, time spent and tenacity. Please take the modest amount I've donated via PayPal and keep doing the excellent work you and David have done. I (and I'm sure the rest of America that's actually paying attention) can't thank you enough.
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