Pappy O'Daniel: Furthermore, in the second Pappy O'Daniel administration, these boys is gonna be my brain trust.
Delmar: What's that mean, Everett?
Everett: Well, that means we'll be the power behind the throne, so to speak. -- O Brother Where Art Thou?, 2003.
Brain Trust, n.
1. A group of experts who serve, usually unofficially, as advisers and policy planners, especially in a government. Such a group associated with the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the development of the New Deal.
Secret government video discovered by Alex Jones showing confrontation between Pentagon planners and the Obama Administration Brain Trust. General makes 230 grain power point presentations at 850 feet per second. And a perfect waste of tomato sauce, too. Notice the horny little bastards jump on the woman first. "Why do they always do that?" asks Firesign Theatre.
Oh, the horror!
"But we sprayed for brains, yesterday!" - It Came From Hollywood (Dan Ackroyd)
Tupper-gunners please note that the 1911 remains the weapon of choice when fighting evil brain creatures.
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