Wednesday, October 16, 2013

First 'smart gun' model nears market, brings threat to gun rights with it

I'll hold a "smart gun" when it's forced into my cold, dead hands.


FedUp said...

As the linked article states, if these things are so great, why do the po-pos always demand an exemption?

FG said...

Un-papered, face-to-face, private sale, "pre-smart" guns, i.e what you own RIGHT NOW, will increase in value many times once these e-chipped, Franken-Firearms are forced upon us.

Pre-Chipped Pistols.

Get'em while you can, folks.

Remember, you're literally shopping for your grandchildren's gear, NOW. This event may become a multi-generational evolution. Buy solid quality, and don't forget spare parts, mags, and ammo.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a hell of a good technology! For the Police !

Cutting through the surrounding political lard the majority of handguns in public, (at least in NJ), are in the hands of police. I suspect one of the most "underreported" stats is how often the security of that arm (and its officer owner) occur in the ordinary scuffles officers often are compelled to engage. Then there's always those officer "guns left behind" in restrooms !

On a more practical level, perhaps NJ (and other LEOs ) might be more disinclined to "shoot first" in a physical confrontation with a "suspect" . They might just be suffering from effects of a medical condition ! (Or has now become "OK" to employ lethal force to cure a medical issue in America ? )

Bottom line, there's a place for "smart guns" - and it isn't in the hands of J.Q. Citizen; or criminals either ! >Jeff

Ed said...

Any device with an electrical "on-off" switch can be mechanically or electrically reconfigured to be always "on". A soldering gun may be extremely useful for fixing these defective products.

The problem will always be that when you need something that is electrically powered, will it have sufficient residual charge to work reliably. Our collective experience with flashlights during power failures is a resounding "NO!".

Let the various so-called "public safety" agencies in New Jersey be the testbed for these devices. If they are not reliable enough for them, then they are not reliable enough for the rest of us. There should be no laws that create different classes of citizens, ever.

Anonymous said...

If they can put it in, we can take it out. Iliterate backwoodsmen were making extremely deadly firearms over wood fired forges in this country not that long ago.

In this day of 3d printers, how could the government think we could or would do any less?

Because they believe that law is control.

Remember the phrase, "What if they gave a war and nobody came?" Well, how about "What if they passed a law and nobody obeyed it?"

Paul X said...

Silly nonsense. If people decide to ignore mandates for "safe" guns, they will be ignored. If people instead submit, then they deserve what is coming to them.

This might actually increase the appeal of firearms, as mothers with small children will find use for them. So it may backfire on the control freaks.