Bob Beckel, long-time citizen disarmament advocate, considers hanging himself, but chickens out. I guess we'll have to have the war crimes trial for him after all.
"When's the last time you heard about rape on a college campus?"
Now, Bob, THIS is what the results of a proper "journalist" hanging looks like:

Julius Streicher, Hitler's favorite "journalist," after dancing the executioner's jig at Nuremberg, 1946.
If only....
NRA uses Justice memo to accuse Obama admin of wanting to confiscate guns
The National Rifle Association has obtained a Department of Justice memo calling for national gun registration and confiscation. The nine page “cursory summary” on current gun control initiatives was not officially released by the Obama administration.
While we're talking about guns and female sexual/reproductive issues, let's talk about why Obama got elected, and why we gun owners are presently bothered with more gun control efforts.
The fault lies squarely with Republican conservative types and their efforts about controlling women's sexual reproductive rights, the "war on women."
Remember, women vote too. They don't like you wanting to control what they own any more than you want them controlling what you own. Are we learning anything yet?
If the control-freak Obama is the nation's most effective gun salesmen, the control-freak Religious Right is the nations most potent Obama marketing team.
Mama is making it real tough on gun owners who ain't smart enough to perk up an ear. Better give a listen. Or continue losing elections to the gun grabbers.
I'd go on a three day drunk if that fat ass hung himself!
Since you asked, Bob... one of my student employees, about a month ago. You're welcome.
Dream on, Ivy Mike, all you're cheer leading for is the murder of infants, couched in cute terms like reproductive rights, and, choice. Remember, good Germans put Hitler in office, and he was one of the biggest murderers ever. Elections mean whatever you think they mean, but they don't necessarily mean good morals.Obongo, and abortion, are two immoral things, with the same object.
CNN reported in 2003 that up to 70,000 sexual assaults commited on America's college campuses each year. Of course the point of the story centered on deaths vis-a-vis binge-drinking, however, one doesn't NEED that college education to extrapolate this other data as well...
Yeoman James
Ivy Mike, you are totally wrong. The "war on women" was a leftist meme created from whole cloth in order for Obama to win the election.
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