The Waco hearings, which ended yesterday with testimony by Attorney General Janet Reno, were marked by administration obfuscation, Democratic pettifogging and far too much feeble, half-hearted questioning from Republicans. But enough new information has come out to make mincemeat of the Clinton administration’s Waco story.
Within 36 hours after the Feb. 28, 1993, initial assault on the Branch Davidian compound, the federal government abandoned routine law enforcement to avoid gathering evidence that might embarrass the government. A Sept. 17, 1993, Treasury Department confidential memo to Assistant Treasury Secretary Ronald Noble stated that on March 1, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms initiated a shooting review and “immediately determined that these stories [of agents involved] did not add up.” Justice Department attorney Bill Johnston “at this point advised [ATF supervisor Dan] Hartnett to stop the ATF shooting review because ATF was creating” exculpatory material that might undermine the government prosecution of the Davidians.
The coverup continued on April 14, 1993. That day, the Treasury Department assistant general counsel, Robert McNamara, sent a memo to several top-ranking Treasury officials stating that the Justice Department “does not want Treasury to conduct any interviews or have discussions with any of the participants who may be potential witnesses” because of fear of creating exculpatory material. The memo noted, “While we may be able to wait for some of [the witnesses] to have testified in the criminal trial, the passage of time will dim memories.”
The Justice Department also warned the Treasury Department not to contact outside experts to analyze the original raid: “DOJ does not want us to generate gratuitous ‘expert witness’ materials; the prosecutors are concerned that these people won’t have all the facts upon which to base a thoughtful opinion and could play into defense hands.” -- James Bovard, "Hearings Show Waco Defense is Wacky," Wall Street Journal, 2 August 1995.
INTERPOL and United Nations Seek Greater Support for Police Role in Peacekeeping Missions
Sun Oct 11, 2009
SINGAPORE, Oct. 11 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --
INTERPOL and the United Nations have partnered to secure international commitments for greater support for the role of police in peacekeeping operations worldwide. This increased support is seen as a key element to restoring the rule of law in post conflict zones, fragile states and achieving sustainable peace.
Secretary General Ronald K. Noble described INTERPOL's partnership with the UN as "an alliance of all nations" that would commit INTERPOL to deliver international police expertise, more skilled police personnel and frontline access to its global resources in countries suffering or recovering from conflicts, in order to help them achieve and build peace and combat transnational crime.
"If UN peacekeepers assigned to post-conflict zones or fragile states are asked to perform police-like functions and to combat transnational crime, then more peacekeepers should come from the ranks of police and be given access to INTERPOL's global databases," said INTERPOL Secretary General Noble.
At a meeting of more than 60 justice, interior and foreign affairs ministers with senior law enforcement officers from around the world, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon spoke via video of 'the need for greater respect for the rule of law' in the world's most troubled parts, describing INTERPOL as 'a natural partner' to restore stability following war and to address the challenges on the ground.
Representing the UN at the meeting, Under-Secretary-General Alain Le Roy said that UN co-operation with INTERPOL had been reinforced by the recognition of "a clear link between crime and conflict" and the fact that serious and organized crime was prevalent in many conflict areas.
Secretary General Noble told the assembly, "In the framework of our partnership with the UN, INTERPOL will provide deployed police peacekeepers with access to the world's only secure global police communications system; global police databases including names of criminals, fingerprints, DNA profiles, stolen passports, and stolen vehicles; and specialized investigative support in key crime areas, including fugitives, drugs, terrorism, trafficking in human beings and corruption."
The ministers in attendance are endorsing a special Declaration which will set a roadmap for police to play its full role in meeting today's peacekeeping challenges.
SOURCE INTERPOL INTERPOL General Secretariat, 200, quai Charles de Gaulle, 69006 Lyon France, +33-(0)-4-72-44-76-01, Fax: +33 (0)4 72 44 71 63
The Most Intriguing People in Business
What distinguishes them from their peers is their pure domination of their respective spaces.
By Sonia Alleyne - December 25, 2008
The Enforcer
Ronald K. Noble, Secretary General of INTERPOL
Noble is the first American to serve as Secretary General for INTERPOL, the world’s largest international police organization serving 187 countries. Since being unanimously reelected to a second five-year term in 2005, Noble directed INTERPOL’s launch of the world’s first global database of stolen and lost travel credentials.
The database contains more than 15 million travel documents from more than 120 countries. This past summer, INTERPOL assisted the Chinese government with security preparations for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing by supplying a support team.
INTERPOL’s passport and visa application screening process was used to identify stolen, lost, and fraudulent travel documents, as well as suspected terrorists and dangerous criminals during the games.
Between 2000 and 2007, Noble has presided over a 50% budget increase, to approximately $72.2 million for 2008. This year he opened a new office at the European Union in Brussels to promote closer cooperation and joint initiatives in Europe. He has also spearheaded the creation of a bio-terrorism prevention unit at the General Secretariat, and he has initiated the process of creating the INTERPOL Anti-Corruption Academy in Vienna, Austria, which will be the world’s first international institute dedicated to fighting corruption. This year, Noble was awarded the world-renowned Légion d’ Honneur—the highest decoration in France—by French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
The only comment I'll have on this string of stories at the moment is to quote my Grandpa Vanderboegh. He once distilled down in his unique way the Peter Principle, which states that in a heirarchy, people tend to rise to their level of incompetence: "Turds float to the top of the pond, boy."
"Feces (I am trying to be polite and not curse) floats and gold sinks." as a friend of mine once said.
Heard it called the "cream of the crap."
My question is what color are Interpol helmets? Hope they're a pretty pastel color like baby blue.
Yes - Baby Blue is kinda easy to see ;o)
Anybody else notice that Interpol's emblem looks disturbingly similar to the emblem of the Terran Empire from the Star Trek Mirror Universe?
Cream only floats to the top in a cold bottle of whole milk, which is seldom seen nowadays. On the other hand---in a corrupt government, like a septic tank, turds float to the top. The larger they are the faster they rise.
"The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire."
Robert Heinlein
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