Some time tomorrow, maybe the next day, we will cross the 1,000 post mark. (No wonder my fingers are cramping.) We are already over 600,000 hits and approaching a million page views. All in less than ten months.
On a broader measure of success, the Three Percent concept seems to being close to going viral. As a very close friend of mine observed the other day, "Mike, 'the Resistance' is taking shape." While we cannot claim credit for the events that have spurred that, nor for the volunteers who have rallied to the call, I take satisfaction that whatever happens now there will at least BE a Resistance, as opposed to mere resistance. A little over two amd half years ago when I set out on this path, I wasn't entirely sure there would be one that had a chance in Hell of winning. Now I'm sure of it.
And for that, I humbly thank y'all.
You're welcome, Mike. Thank YOU for all your hard work and dedication to all things good and Constitutional in this country.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled stockpiling of goods and equipment...
We should thank you.
Now... BOOK!!!
Thank you for putting in the tima and effort to get, well this effort moving.
I just found this page a few days ago, and I promise there are many like minds to your south.
We will BE the resistance...
But you will always BE the "piece de resistance"...
(pyes duh rey-zee-stahns) - the most noteworthy or prized feature, aspect, event, article, etc., of a series or group; special item or attraction.
Thank you sir!
Humbly yours,
Thank you, Sir!
I'm glad you saw fit to use The Liberator as the image for this post. It was the "What Good is a Handgun" article that first drew me here shortly after my 60th birthday -- on which day I first held one in my very own hands one of those little gems.
I recall thinking at the time "Geez, we used to make better zipguns" where I grew up in Brooklyn, NY.
Aside: we can -still- make better zipguns... Fair warning to those that might need it ;-)
God Bless you, Sir. Your courage, insight and fine writing have reached a great many folks with an inspirational message that we can believe in... and ACT upon.
Hi Mike,
"ONE, for the money,"
"TWO, for the show,"
"THREE, to get ready!!!"... as we used to say when I was a kid.....
has taken on a whole new meaning!!
PS, "And ...FOUR to GO!!!!!!!"
Just one question... why do my comments always have a little garbage can down in the lower left corner? Are my comments that offensive? Sorry, but I'm very passionate about this...
Thanks for all your hard work.
Hang in there1
Thank you, 3%er. Thank you.
We will stand upon the courage of our convictions.
We are Three Percenters. We are the Free Militia. We ARE the Resistance. We will no longer back up in the face of tyranny. If we are forced to do so, we will take up arms and defend our Republic from threats both foreign and domestic.
I have learned much from you and I am grateful.
Mike III
Thank you Mike for all your hard work,you and a few others are getting a large number of good Americans to wake up to whats going on around us.I have read your post daily for six months and have been doing my part to try to wake up everyone I can ,some brush me off as crazy ,the marine mentality type thing,paranoid,a. doomsdayer.But each time I get through to a good person that I feel will take a stand along side us its so worth it.
Mike,I've been following this blog now for a few months. I am a disabled Vetern, non compensable , but thats the way i like it , dont get nothing from those that say your not good enough anymore. I have always known that there would be a resistance to tyranny in this country, because thats what founded and has propelled it forward. what you have done as well as a few other blogs , some of which i have found here and some i have happened upon.has given the people a place to voice their opinions on what they think may be coming , and all anyone i have read here has said , is be prepared , and know where you need to be,sage advice in times that you are uncertain.you are not and have not been alone in all these thoughts , i personally started seeing the shifts back when i was in the military in the 80's yes im a "disgruntalled" veteran and evil right wing minion easily lead down the wrong path, that will some day need either re education , or illimination, thats the way i was raised , not far from Lexington Green itself . i have taken a different path than some , but what amazes me , is that somehow , be it getting older , or looking closer ,being able to do that sometinmes required ya get older ...we have all come to basically the same placeand have the same thoughts, so mike , you have given an outlet yes , you have rang the alert bell , but , some folks have been preparing for this for far longer than the statists and the collectivists can image, some of us were brought up to be the front lines when the real battles begin, and as you have said , when they feel froggy , let them start hopping , cuz they wont like what they jump into, so speaking strictly for myself , my little corner of the great State of Wyoming , may be put upon , but they better expect a hell of a ride, for now i bid you well and health and happiness, and may the sun be on your face and the wind gently on your back.and may you be in heaven 30 minutes before the devil finds out you have passed;)
you da man, Mike
I'm actually starting to believe there will be a resistance of some sort.
Amen, Mike III
You said what I was just about to say :D
The Liberator was a neat little device that saved so many countless lives during those dark years. I just wished we could have airdropped and parachuted crates of them straight into the prisoner barracks at Auschwitz and elsewhere during the dead of night or in the confusion of one of the periodic bombing raids. I have no doubt that the recipients would know what to do once they received the contents of these crates.
No SS thug should have been allowed to evacuate their camps, alive.
No, thank you Sir.
Moe Death said...
Just one question... why do my comments always have a little garbage can down in the lower left corner? Are my comments that offensive? Sorry, but I'm very passionate about this...
... October 18, 2009 6:22 PM
Yeah. We all have the ability to trash YOUR posts, we just decline to do so because you're ... special... ;o)
It's because you're logged in - YOU can delete your post if you change your mind. Ever notice the ones that say "deleted by author"?
Yeah. That.
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