Orrin Hatch and Teddy Kennedy, Best of Pals.
Jason Chaffetz is out, but Orrin Hatch isn't in the clear.
Hatch’s campaign had been ramping up for a heated intra-party battle with Chaffetz. In recent weeks they’ve touted endorsements from conservative media personalities Mark Levin and Sean Hannity, and praise from Sarah Palin, as proof of the senator’s conservative bona fides.
Which tells you more about those anal sphincters than Hatch.
"In recent weeks they’ve touted endorsements from conservative media personalities Mark Levin and Sean Hannity, and praise from Sarah Palin, as proof of the senator’s conservative bona fides."
I'm surprised they didn't include Rush Limbaugh, who is also part of the "controlled opposition" to the leftist tyranny.
Is there any "real" opposition? None we'll ever hear about in the MSM.
Yes, Orrin Hatch is one of the biggest phonies in the senate. 6 terms! That equals the better part of 4 decades! We have had numerous lifers like that in the senate and that is a big part of the problem. Feinstein, Thurmond, Byrd, Kennedy (previous 3 good riddance) Hatch, McCain, Leahy, Grassley (even though he seems to be trying to redeem himself with the F&F investigation) Even many of those with lesser time served are monumental creeps; Schumer, Boxer, Murray, These same hucksters can not claim that they were working for the people. They have resided over all the shams that have been foisted upon the nation in the name of BI-PARTISANSHIP.
I would like to see them all get on the same plane one day and crash leaving no survivors! That would be a bi-partisan victory for America.
Lemme get this straight. Yer callin' Sarah Palin an 'anal sphincter?' Them's fightin' words.
Hatch is just as sleazy as his drinking and skirt chasing pal, Ted Kennedy.
He needs to be sent on his way.
I was SOOO disappointed when Chaffitz announced he wouldn't run against Hatch. I was winding up for a good local political fight. Spineless wussy doesn't deserve any further positions of leadership in Congress.
As for Hatch, he definitely needs to be knocked off his throne. He needs to be reminded, forcibly and vocally, of his original campaign slogan against the then-incumbent, Senator Moss, "What do you call a Senator who's been in office 18 years? You call him home!". And Hatch will have been in office double that, 36 years, by the next election cycle. Hypocrite!
And my wife supports Hatch! "Oh, but he's sooo powerful, and in such positions of leadership, and the next person who takes over his committee chair will be an eeevil Democrat." Makes me gag to hear the excuses.
I've been contacted (by mail & email) to help donate and support Hatch's re-election campaign. I said, not only NO, but HELL NO. I think they got the message, as I haven't been contacted since.
B Woodman
The story has it that before the Israelites could enter the promissed land an entire generation of idol worshipers had to be purged. We're in a similar position with the "go along to get along" RINO's in both the Senate and the House.
What is needed is a new breed that goes to DC with the commitment to do what their voters sent them there to do -- CLEAN HOUSE! A new breed that cannot be bought with earmarks or favored committee assignments or plush offices.
A majority of TEA Party "terrorists" in both houses would be a good start.
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