SGT Matthew Bradley Vanderboegh, currently serving in the 1st Armored Division.
DOB 19 January 1979.
He darned near died that night. It was the busiest night they had ever experienced in the Ohio State University Hospital delivery rooms -- EVER -- up to that point. Not enough nursing staff, certainly not enough obstetricians. Fetal monitor readings went south. 45 minutes later and still no Doc. Long story which culminated in my threatening to begin tearing the f-ing place apart unless they provided a doctor in five minutes. They called security on me, but the doc got there first -- in exactly two and a half minutes. "Oh shit!" quoth the Doc when he looked at the monitor. Oh, shit, indeed. We went to the head of the class.
Didn't get fired for it (remember, I WORKED there). Don't know why. Got me a son and despite having ingested merconium (baby excrement passed in the womb)and an acute case of jaundice, the kid came out okay.
More than okay, really. He remains to this day the first of three best things I ever did in my life. The other two being my daughters Hannah and Zoe. I'm proud as hell of all of them.
He's somewhere on his way to Iraq for his third tour now. But happy birthday to you anyway, Matt.
I love you, buddy.
A big Happy Birthday, Congratulations and an ooohrah... or hoo-ah, your choice. Thanks from the heart to this young man for his service, and may God bless him and his beautiful little family.
all the best -
We ALL love you Matt, & the rest of the boys with you. Happy Birthday to you lad.
Off topic... I just watched the speech by the newly elected Republican senator from Massachusetts, & I think I saw a number of hand held III flags in the audience.
Is that possible?
Hope he is well and comes on in one piece along with his unit.
As the father of a Marine and a Soldier with three tours between them, I share your pride, and your apprehension.
God Bless all here.
OBTW: It's spelled "mecomium."
Happy Birthday Mathew. Nice story Mike. One likely to be a family legend for generations.
(proud dad of US Army SFC Walter) (Airborne)
thank you for your service son,and happy b-day
101 is a fine outfit.
Send along a Happy Birthday from us too.
We will designate a care package to the 101st.
Skip 111
Thanks troop for doing the dirty work. May God Bless You and keep You and your mates safe during your tour, and your return home to family and friends.
Semper Fi,
Happy Birthday Sergeant Vanderboegh.
Interesting that you share a birthday with my sister :) That's pretty cool.
Watch yer six.
Much thanks to you for your service, Matt. Happy birthday.
My father served in the 101st, Companies A&C, '65-'66. From the stories I was told growing up, I know what you boys see and deal with on a daily basis. Head down, chin up.
My best to you, soldier.
He remains to this day the first of three best things I ever did in my life. The other two being my daughters Hannah and Zoe.--MVB
Those are my exact same sentiments concerning my own three daughters.
Happy birthday Matt. God willing, we're going to win this culture war that rages back home so that you, your sisters, my daughters and every other member of your generation and mine can enjoy the fruits of liberty.
God bless you, keep you safe and bring you victory as you wage war against the jihadi.
Damn glad to hear tell of it, and damn proud of that young man. Where do we get such men? G*d gives them to us for a little while, and makes them so. It's all grace. III.
Matt - Happy Birthday - Hope you and your family are doing well!
Looking forward to the next time we can have some good BBQ & a beer!
May you return safely Matt.
Please pass along our respect and our thanks. I may sleep warm in my bed thanks to his time in the sweat-/sand-box.
All I would ask is that he do all he can to educate his peers as to the meaning of their oath.
Thanks - and G*d Save Our Republic!!
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