OK, folks, (he said sheepishly) this is what comes from posting after midnight. As Magwa observes in my original post on the new Executive Order below, this comes about as a result of Public Law 110-181. That is, it was passed by the 110th Congress in 2008. The authorizing language:
(Sec. 1822) Requires the President to establish a bipartisan Council of Governors to advise the Secretary, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the White House Homeland Security Council on matters related to the National Guard and civil support missions.
GovTrack.us shows:
Senate Vote On Passage: H.R. 4986 [110th]: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008
Number: Senate Vote #1 in 2008 [primary source]
Date: Jan 22, 2008 5:32PM
Result: Bill Passed
Also, the roll call shows:
Yea IL Durbin, Richard [D]
Not Voting IL Obama, Barack [D]
Thus, Barack Obama wasn't even there because he was busy running for president.
Now, that said, the Obamanoids can still make mischief with this and the GOP shouldn't cooperate with it, but it does not come about from some nefarious plan of Obama's. (Not that His Royal Lightness doesn't have other nefarious plans.)

Whether or not Obama was in office on this legislation is not as relevant as the timing of the implementation and the purposes for which it is being used.
My .02
The fact that it comes from a law shows me that the CONgress and previous administrations are in on the fix. Strange how we made it through the Cold War without such a mechanism, when the chances for needing such a thing were arguably higher.
Yes,magwa right I checked it too.However tell me in the light of day thats not a war council.Yes I know I'm paranoid,but.
Here's my speculation, only speculation at this point. Let's assume that these people aren't as stupid as they appear. They knew at that time (or should have) that the economy was in major trouble. They passed the bill authorizing this executive order, quietly, knowing that ultimately, there was/is an excellent chance of economic collapse that would lead to social disruption (particularly bad if you are a bankster or politican and are responsible for this mess). Let's then assume that TARP wasn't there to sort the mess out but was there instead to buy time until they could put an infrastructure in place to handle the collapse to their favor. The president would only sign the order when either a) the structure was in place or b) a collapse was imminent, as signing would cause too many political problems, so he wouldn't sign it until one or both of these conditions occurred. If my speculation is correct, major trouble is going to be here very, very soon.
"Here's my speculation, only speculation at this point. Let's assume that these people aren't as stupid as they appear."
Just so. They are, however, as predatory and tyrannical as they appear.
"If my speculation is correct, major trouble is going to be here very, very soon."
You are correct, Sir, in both details.
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