Friday, October 14, 2011

Best comment on a collectivist post for a while: "Who the frick edited this? My god it’s like reading dyslexic ramblings of a dope fiend."

A sane person’s guide to ‘Fast and Furious’?


TPaine said...

Same old "same old." But he parroted CNN in making this whole thing a plan gone terribly wrong. Gotta keep the people educated through the truth. And this ain't it.

The Obama machine is hard at work trying to cover this thing up.

Oakenheart said...

The signal to noise ratio of the comments is about 1:10 also. Crappy piece, crappy comments for the most part.

Paul Paver Jr. said...

Very important!
We are all called to action on Dec 16,2011. If you cannot afford to March on Washington DC, marching on your local federal court house will be very effective. has started a grass roots event that is open carry. The goal is to demand complete restoration of our Constitutional Republic
immediately and the resignation of the potus Barrack Obama, his vice president, and all his cabinet and appointees. They are following the right in the Declaration of Independance, of the people to dismantle the govt. in the event that there seems to be no other solution and restore it with a constitutional republic form of govt. They are calling on all citizens without felonies, all former servicemen, and active service members as well as law enforcement to come on the 16th AND DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION. Their numbers have grown to 4100 in just 5 days.
Paul Paver Jr.