Death Threat Elmo: Ken Melson's counterpart to R.A. Bear?
ATF agent Microscope posted this at CleanUpATF.org just after midnight this morning:
Some information just in:
* Apparently immediately after ATF learned that John Dodson had blown the whistle on Gunrunner to Senator Grassley a meeting of ATF minds was called, including ATF Attorneys who "think tanked" on means and methods that could be used to file criminal charges against Dodson and have him arrested. Various criminal charges were bantered about but apparently nothing could be invented that had any hopes of success. This is how ATF reacts at the highest levels. Attack anyone who dares speak the truth.
* Apparently on Sunday Mexico's version of CNN, Univision, is going to do a piece that is going to lay Bill Newell out as an Enemy of the State. Enough of the beltway support for Newell and putting the word out that once this "blows over" he is going to Mexico as the Attache'. That is not going to happen and we all know it so just stop with the propaganda.
* Lastly, apparently Voth has received more threats and has been whisked away to safety. No one should ever be able to threaten a Federal Agent, and from this perspective especially an ATF Agent, and get away with it. Unacceptable under any circumstance. I don't care what his involvement in Gunrunner was or what he did wrong. No one threatens ATF Agents and gets a pass. I hope ATF does right and digs all the way to the bottom of the threats and leaves nothing uninvestigated. Find out who is threatening Voth and lock them up. All of ATF demands that. The Congressional and OIG investigations will deal with Voth on Gunrunner but we can not tolerate anyone threatening one of us and not being tracked down and held accountable.
In response, ATF Good Worker posted later this morning:
Good report microscope. We need more info like this from everyone.
Here is a link to a Univision report about the Mexican officials calling for the prosectution of the person who approved this plan: http://noticias.univision.com/noticiero-univision/videos/video/2011-03-17/controversia-con-operativo-rapido-y
Readers will recall that the LA Times' Kim Murphy reported last Friday that slimedog Phoenix ASAC George "Gillett had received death threats before making the decision to cooperate" with Senator Grassley's investigation. I know from other sources that Gillett's attorney has refused to comment on exactly from whom these threats emanated. It makes a difference.
The whistleblowers, of course, would not do so. They are hanging out too far as it is. Friends of the whistleblowers? That is, people who want to see the truth come out about the Gunwalker Scandal? I must confess it never occurred to me to do so. From my personal experience on the receiving end (including some I was certain came from an ATF agent out of the Birmingham Field Office in the 90s), I know it takes a certain frustration level with events on the part of the thug to issue a death threat. Our side is slowly winning this struggle. Why threaten any of the conspirators with death when a subpoena is far more productive?
Now, I have pointed out the fact that there are Mexicans who are very angry with the criminals of the ATF and DOJ who put this conspiracy to arm murderers into motion, who aided it, abetted it and facilitated it. So was it Mexicans who are issuing the threats here? Or were the threats more oriented toward preventing future conduct than punishing deeds already done? In other words, to prevent them from talking to Grassley, Issa, et. al.? Or, to discredit the opposition (i.e., us) by linking us by allusion to death threats we never made?
Like Microscope I hope the identities of these people are revealed, but I rather suspect that they will turn out to be either outraged Mexicans or puppets of the fifth floor coverup artists.
Or some far higher than the 5th floor in an unconstitutional Federal agency...
"No one should ever be able to threaten a Federal Agent, and from this perspective especially an ATF Agent, and get away with it. Unacceptable under any circumstance. I don't care what his involvement in Gunrunner was or what he did wrong. No one threatens ATF Agents and gets a pass."
But your agency can threaten, harass and even kill the citizens of this country and DOES get a pass, microscope.
Your "we're better than them" attitude expressed in the quote above is EXACTLY what corrodes liberty in this country.
I know our esteemed host considers you a good guy trying to right the ship but clean such trash as the above out of your own mind or your mission will fail.
...we can not tolerate anyone threatening one of us and not being tracked down and held accountable.
The phrase rogue elephant comes to mind.
People who abuse others under color of law deserve whatever happens to them. It may be argued that folks should not take the law into their own hands. Maybe so, but that sword cuts both ways.
A criminal is a criminal even if (most especially if) he wears a badge. If there isn't, there should be a special place in Hell for the preachers, priests, teachers, and agents of government we've been taught since childhood to trust who betray that trust.
Why should someone who claims to abhor the actions of a man who has disregarded his oath and his responsibilities to the American people be upset about threats made against that man and claim brotherhood to that man?
I was thinking this might be a "false flag" operation, intended to garner sympathy for the criminals and mis-direct our attention.
B Woodman
What W W Woodward said.
"No one should ever be able to threaten an American citizen, and from this perspective especially a civilian, and get away with it. Unacceptable under any circumstance. I don't care what his involvement in crime was or what he did wrong. No one threatens American citizens and gets a pass."
Glad you feel so strongly about protecting the people who are forced to pay you to do your unconstitutional job. I don't really understand your sympathy for the criminals among them, though.
Oh, wait, that's not what you said at all...
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