Friday, September 18, 2009

Threeper Battle Flags: Get 'em while you can.


Events, seen and unseen, have been building toward another letter by me to Eric Holder. With it I will enclose a Nyberg Battle Flag. When you read why, I think you will all get a kick out of it. In the meantime, you too can get a flag to hang on your wall, fly at the next Tea Party or put back for that victory parade down Pennsylvania Avenue sometime in the future.

My buddy Pete at WRSA has this post offering Three Percent flags for sale.

He says:

III Flags Now Available

As last seen waving in DC on 9/12 in defiance of the national socialists in Congress and the White House, these are the first run of the Nyberg Battle Flag, also known as the III Flag.

As I advised here, the colors are even a little more subdued than they appear above -- both the blue and the red are too faded for the flag to appear new. Hence, we've decided to make these available at the great price below so that the proceeds can be recycled into another run with better colors.

But tell me true -- these III flags look pretty darned good here, don't they?

And they look equally good in person, as well.

Price is $10 USD, including return postage. Cash or USPS money orders only; this is a low-drama enterprise.

Send your order today to:

860 Johnson Ferry Road
Suite 140
Atlanta, GA 30342

Turnaround time will be as fast as I can make it, but no promises, other than you will get what you have paid to get. Email questions to

No refunds, either -- you want 'em, you got 'em, as is.

Let's move 'em out, boys and girls.

Buy a couple and fly them to frost the biscuits on Barry and Eric.

You know you want to....


Anonymous said...

I've been reading here for a while. Please forgive my noob ignorance, but where did this Nyberg Battle flag come from? Who was Nyberg? I'm new to the concept of III, and Google is not forthcomming with much info. I did find the three%er forum, and the ARM, and have some reading to do, but any clue you good people can give me will be much appreciated.

Unknown said...

Just sent in the loot for two.

Happy D said...

Annon 1 that is a good question I have never thought to ask.

Unknown said...

Need more info. Dimensions, material composition, construction e.g. header with gromets?

neal said...

The order is placed, and I took the liberty of having one made into a window sticker for my truck. Now that ought to raise some eyebrows.

Concerned American said...

George F:

3x5, nylon, brass grommets, suitable for display or flagpole use.

CindyLou said...

It't not "who was Nyberg" it's WHO is Nyberg. Her name is Gayle Nyberg and she lives in NM and she's a Friend of mine. I want one of those flags as well, wished it was hooked up with paypal, I'd transfer the funds.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody still have these Nyberg Battlw flags (FANTASTIC to name it for her) for sale. If not, can anybody hook me up with the maker of the flags and I might be interested in sponsoring a run to make more if people are interested in these.

Unknown said...

Are these flags still being made, cause if they are ,I know alot of people who would by them.