Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Back in the hospital -- but still causing trouble.

Well, yesterday I was scheduled for what they said was to be an out-patient procedure to put a stent in my esophagus. Out-patient turned into in-patient and I'm still here. Not sure how the posts are going to go today, because I have to schedule them in between pain meds to make any sense. Keep me in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Rest easy Mike. After all you were the Fly in the Main dish. The Meal is ruined. Party over. You Party Pooper, you.. Congratulations.
Hark! Millions of Mosquitoes...angry hungry ones.
Bless you, Sir.

rdf67 said...

We are praying for you Mike - sounds like they are getting close to solution to your medical problems. Today is D-Day for Holder - since he is such an arrogant ideologue, my bet is he plays games and Issa and Grassley send him packing. Hope I am wrong, but his history is not chock full of truthfulness and honesty - and that is what they have to see today - the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth or Contempt!

Anonymous said...

Be strong and courageous Mike.
Prayers for you.

Powder Horn Mike

Anonymous said...

I've said a prayer for quick healing and a rapid escape from the hospital. A stent in the esophagus?
Stay strong!

Anonymous said...

Done deal. As always.
Mike, you don't know me, but I want you to know I am one more person who has reaped the fruits of your expended time and energy to inform this nation of the depths of our Federal Government cesspool even though the stench permeates the world.
While I prey for your recovery, I also thank God for his lack of a Statute of Limitations and submit to him an equal prayer that he enforces this policy with EXTREME PREJUDICE towards these vile, putrid Murder Inc. Associates. They haven't got a clue to what awaits them. I'm also thankful for God's bottomless pit of patience, although I submit these cockroaches might test it soon. I hope I bear witness to the outcome.

Anonymous said...

Done. Hang in there!

redskyatnight said...

You're covered

redskyatnight said...

You're covered.

WisconsinDan said...

I say do the post on the pain meds. That could be some must read blogging!

Anonymous said...

Get released soon! Prayers being sent your way.

sales weasel said...

You didn't miss much. Holder showed up empty-handed and offered to give Issa a briefing that describes the documents that DOJ won't hand over....in exchange for dropping the whole thing. The contempt vote is on...and Kabuki continues.

rdf67 said...

If you think about it, Issa expected non-compliance and his letter offers federal Judge a much more limited scope to rule upon with regards to documents under subpoena that form the basis of Contempt. The 80,000 wanted would have made the task harder and longer - and there will be plenty of gold (the object, hey?) in docs they already have to show Judge and the docs they will get sooner. Just the first step towards putting Holder in prison where he belonged after the Marc Rich pardon.

Anonymous said...

Obama has now granted Holder's request to withhold those documents based on Executive Privilege... but there was nothing in those documents, right?

What an absolute piece of crap we have for a President!

No matter what you may think of Romney, get out the vote for him in November. We must ALWAYS vote for the lesser of two main evils in our country

Anonymous said...

It is party time! Obama just invoked executive privilege on Fast and Furious documents.

Mike, thank you so much! This would never have happened without your tireless efforts. Enjoy your success as you get better.

Further to go, but this is an inflection point for F&F.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you. So courageous, you are, Thank you!

CB said...

Trip Wire!

Wednesday morning finds that all the pressure you and Codrea have put on the Constitution's Violator-in-Chief has caused him to invoke Executive Privilege in defense of Holder.

Good Job!

Anonymous said...

I say do the post on the pain meds. That could be some must read blogging!--Wisconsin Dad @4:38 PM

Mike has to do his posting on pain meds with a stent in his esophagus and one hand tied behind his back just to make it fair to the other journalists.


Anonymous said...

I will pray for you and, your recovery!

Thank you!

San Jose, California

bitter clinging Texan said...

best of luck Mr V...Im prayin for ya homie

rdf67 said...

Holder had to retract his statement that AG Mukasey had reviewed Wide Receiver and didn't put a stop to it.

Three times Holder has had to back off. Feb 4 letter was withdrawn. Admitted knowledge went back more than a couple of weeks - said couple of months. But he stopped Gunwalker after Terry was murdered - which makes his first knowledge much older than he has admitted to date.

Watch how fast Obama backs off of any knowledge and apologizes for exercising Exec Privilege once Contempt Charges approved by House.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you here also.
This hospital stuff has got to be a pain in the rear. You need to get back home so you can actually rest.
Stay strong.

Anonymous said...

Mike, just want you to know something. Now that Oblivion has claimed Executive Privilege..you know what's coming. My point is this..the Washington Post Watergate journalists got nothing up on you. You WILL go down in history. And you deserve it. In my opinion, this WILL blow up into the greatest scandal in US history. My personal opinion is...ATF killed Zapata. and that is the crux that will explode in Obamas face. At least I hope so.
My prayers are with you. Thank you for your courage.

Everrest said...

Praying that you feel better.

Capt45 said...

Prayers up from here, Mike.

rayr said...

Prayers will be forthcoming until I know you are out of danger.

Anonymous said...

God speed. get well soon! thank you for your diligence!

PT said...

Good luck to you Mike, hope your medical stuff goes well.

Guess who was the subject of one of Rachel Maddow's rants tonight? You make it big time. They even put a big picture of you up on the news.

Anonymous said...

The fruit does not fall far from the cake.

Anonymous said...

This is it lads, the day has come. Obama's (and everyone's) longest day and now F&F will be open warfare from here on. As it should be. There will be winners and losers. As it should be.

I am so happy to see this happen, so much work by Mike and David, Issa and his staff, ATF whistle blowers, DOJ mole(s), GOA, etc., etc. and today all the balloons went up on both sides.

I am so grateful to so many patriots who did the right thing. Some did it just to save their skins, some because it was their job, some because they believed in a cause greater than themselves (i.e., the Constitution and the Republic which it defined).

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Mike get better soon so you can enjoy this moment you did so much to create. I am not sure how it ends but the path is the right one and the bloodletting has begun.

P.S. John Lott has a nice post-contempt vote article here:


xfactornorton said...

Gee maybe America will luck out and its really brain cancer. Brought on by living in a fact free zone and dancing like a puppet to your fascist masters and rightwing manic delusions of reality.

xfactornorton said...

You wing nuts belong in the lunatic asylum.. Apparently you live in a totally fact free zone and do the bidding of your fascist masters without even being aware that you are just tools of the 1%.

Anonymous said...

Not wishing anyone, even those I ardently disagree with, to suffer a health calamity, I hope your recovery is quick. As for your claim that the Obama administration has a master plan to take away your guns and assault weaponry soon after the re-election, what proof do you have? The Brady anti-gun group awarded the president an "F" for his efforts to limit or control the dispersion of guns in our society. You give this president an "F" for everything else, so you are either an out and out racist or an extremist, paranoid conspiracy theorist. Documented proof that he wishes to take away your guns, please? And get well quick, I would like to continue this dialogue....

Anonymous said...

Get better. Hopefully you get a party soon for your work w/F & F. Happy to see Holder & Co. start to get thiers today due to your and Davids outstanding work. Proud of you two! God Bless you and yours. Taz, FL

mydailysoapbox said...

God Bless You!!! Keep up the fight!

Anonymous said...

I am sure this comment will not be approved but you people are terrorist. Having said that you are a danger to America. As far as your out patient recovery goes good luck. As a Medical professional you should know that not to many of those last very long. Sounds like you like your whiskys and smokes or you have worked your self up so much being cookoo that the acid has eaten you digestive system up. Maybe someone with a brain as empty as yours might come into your room and yank it out, kind of like throwing brinks through innocent people's windows.

No that won't happen because nothing ever happens to mean people. Very sad that this is the truth it seems the more demented a person is the longer they live.

Anonymous said...

I hope you never get out of the hospital. It would be good riddance.

Cary said...

Hey Mike...please give us the evidence you have for any of your made up conspiracy theories. Otherwise, you are a just another very dangerous, anti-democratic, insecure moron, probably a racist at heart, a liar and enemy of our country at worst. In which case, you should either be arrested or dealt with in some other way. Thank you and I do hope that your health iroves so that you can one day stand trial for well anything. Cary Freedom.

justiceseeker51 said...

Godspeed Mike!.....;-)

Anonymous said...


Occam's Razor...Nail on the Head

Elliot said...

Rachel Maddow did her whole opening segment about you, on the pretense that the investigation and scandal (which she dismissed as fake) were the product of your fevered, rock-throwing, rifle cleaning, violent imagination.

She never mentioned the ATF whistle blowers or Brian Terry. She castigated FNC viewers for being in a bubble, but ironically, her viewers know nothing of the facts if F&F.

Get well soon and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to your hard work and dedication, the Fast and Furious chickens are coming home to roost. It wouldn't have happened if not for you. Get well soon and continue to cause trouble! Prayers are with you.

Maggie@MaggiesNotebook said...

You deserve a rest after your tireless efforts, but wish it could be on a beautiful beach somewhere - or where ever you would like, other than a hospital. Having said that, hospitals are a blessing when problems are being resolved. Hope that is happening for you. You are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Too bad you're so close to death, otherwise you might be able to get out and back up your macho talk with some real action.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to comment, I know your plate is full; but saw this from White House Insider via Ulsterman:

"Lastly I want to give a nod to the Old Man. This entire Fast and Furious thing was a slow drip not so long ago. He made a push on some folks who in turn had a few meetings on the Hill and got this thing going again. At least he was a big help in that. Not sure if you know but there’s been another health setback for him and we probably won’t hear from them for a bit. I’ll update you on that situation as soon as I know anything more. It’s not hopeless but it’s not good. Say some prayers for him. He really wants to make it to the next inauguration."

And good job leading that 800 lb gorilla into the fray, Mike. I'm recommending you (honorary) and David (eligible) for the NRA Board of Directors.


Ronald Callaway said...

Mike You are mentioned at ulsterman report in a whitehouse
insider article. You need to check it out. Some good words to a great patriot.

Ronald Callaway said...

Good article at ulstermanreport in an article from whitehouse insider
mentions Mike and how he's sick and
has stirred up the f&f investigation when it seemed things were cooling off.

gettimothy said...

First, you are in my prayers.

Second, your work is all over the news now--even if they have not attributed it to you--you have done The Lord's work in exposing the truth.

Get better, its too much fun having you around

Alessandre said...

you've got my prayers. thanks for all you've done & are doing.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell what the best thing about all the Mike-hate posts is: their broken, segmented English or calling him paranoid and insane while espousing paranoid and insane things.

Anonymous said...

Look at the Obot trolls making the usual personal attacks. Pathetic lightweights.

Congrats Mike for the research and hard work and perseverance to expose tyranny.

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

It appears that the inmates have escaped from (or taken over) the DU asylum, and gotten a hold of some keyboards.

Get better soonest. My prayers and wishes of God-speed go with you and David.

B Woodman

Ken said...

It appears Axelrod is having trouble finding good help these days; I guess George Soros's money doesn't go as far as it once did.

bikermailman said...

You know, even if it were someone I couldn't stand, I couldn't be hateful as some of these buttclowns are. As it is, I first and foremost hope and pray for a speedy recovery. Behind that, I'm thankful for the work you've done on exposing this hideous affront to the Rule of Law. Keep on keepin' on, the cockroaches are scurrying!

Anonymous said...
