Sunday, May 11, 2014

More Unsubstantiated BS From Greg Evensen Courtesy Of Before It's Disinformation.

"When in peril, or in doubt,
Run in circles, scream and shout."
Received this email:
May 9, 2014 - On the Hawk Podcast radio show, former State Trooper Greg Evensen. At the 44 minute 45 second mark, Greg informs us that two prominent members of the Bundy Ranch militia are now dead. Though one apparently died in a hunting accident, the other death has a cause of undetermined at this time. Anyone have verification on this ?
What a crock. I can find no confirmation on this. Considering the source, color me unsurprised. NO names. NO verification. And people actually believe this crap.


WarHead said...

No, no, no... all of them are dead (accidental/natural causes) and the Bundy Ranch burned to the ground (accidental). Just coincidental. This is from a reliable source.

:shakes head:

Anonymous said...

I guess this mook wants us to believe that the Government is secretly 'wacking' these guys...

Funny. I really thought that some of those contract cowboys that the BLM hired to rustle Bundy cattle would meet that same fate...

Anonymous said...

While I would not put it past the feds to do it - not much I WOULD put past 'em truth be told - but absent more concrete data I gotta remain skeptical. But I would think that by end of day Monday somebody among Mike's readership should be able to either confirm or debunhek the report.

Look, leftist have no scruples. We all know it. People who PO'ed the wrong fed mucky-mucks have died under unusual circumstances before. If the Defenders of the Bundys suddenly started dying, it would send a powerful message for future actions. It would definitely separate the patriots from the posers. And there is no way anything like this is ever gonna get into the lapdog media.

DAMN! I hope this turns out to be either bogus or a gawd-awful coincidence. 'Cause if it's real then things are starting to get mean in a hurry. Reckon it's time to publish some street addresses of the powerful and well-connected?