“Never, never, never, never give up.” -- Winston Churchill.

A tip of the boonie hat to Irregular FG for forwarding this link to the story of an amazing shot. The source for this Field and Stream article appears to be this in Air Force Magazine, July 1996 issue.
Now you've gone and done it. The anti-rights cultists already think you can drop a 747 with a Barret .50-now they've got evidence that 100 year old pistol designs are effective AA weapons...
this is not a comment, but a link - the only way I know to send this to you - have you seen this? TARP funds for Gunwalker?
The 1911 can be used to shoot down airplanes? We'd better hurry up and ban them before they fall into the hands of terrorists. :p
What caliber for Japanese Zero's?
.45 ACP. Browning would be proud.
I don't expect anyone to believe this but once at a gun club range in Del Rio, Tx., with a Ruger Mark II at twenty five yards, I shot down a butterfly while it twittered from left to right across the target boards. I didn't know I had actually hit the thing until I later found a dead butterfly fitting the description of the one I shot at with a half circle of its abdomen missing. Of course I was the only one there and no witness but myself, but I did mention I don't expect anyone to believe it.
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