"I've got a 'regional solution' for you."
A tip of the boonie hat to Irregular Matthew for the link below.
Andres Oppenheimer, Latin America correspondent for the Miami Herald, writes -- "Commentary: Deadlier U.S. guns raise death toll in Mexico."
My opinion: With more than 40,000 deaths in drug-related shootings in Mexico over the past five years, an escalating death toll in Central America and the Caribbean, and U.S. policemen being outgunned by criminals in many cities, the growing sales of these military-style weapons have become a regional problem that requires regional solutions.
The Obama administration should seek congressional ratification of a 1997 regional treaty known as CIFTA, which tries to crack down on illicit firearms trafficking in the Americas. President Barack Obama has said he supports CIFTA, but isn't doing much to get it passed by Congress.
And Latin American countries should step up diplomatic pressure on the United States to get Congress to reinstate a ban on assault weapons that was allowed to expire in 2004, as well as to get Obama to issue an executive order to stop imports of military-style weapons that often end up in the hands of Mexican and Central American drug cartels.
How many more people have to die in mass shootings across the hemisphere before we put an end to this madness?
Now, y'all know I can't resist an open invitation like that.
-----Original Message-----
From: georgemason1776
To: aoppenheimer
Sent: Tue, Jun 28, 2011 7:53 am
Subject: Your failure to think through the problem.
Dear Andres,
I will skip over the policy implications of the current ATF Gunwalker Scandal, which, like most American media, you conveniently ignore in your screed and come to the more important point.
I was once asked by a citizen disarmament advocate such as yourself what I thought of "gun control." As I began, he interrupted and said, "Give me the short answer." I thought for a moment and then said, "If you try to take our firearms we will kill you."
Your obvious failure to think through the policy you advocate is an illustration of the Chinese dictum: "Be careful what you wish for, you may get it."
There are a considerable number of Americans -- well armed Americans -- who will not obey any further restrictions on our God-given, natural and inalienable rights when it comes to firearms. If, as I believe, that number amounts to a mere three percent of American firearm owners, that means you'll have to kill three million of us in a bloody civil war to achieve what you want. That doesn't count all the tyrannical, gun-grabbing sonsabitches that we'll be forced to kill in righteous self-defense before we meet our Maker, and you should know that we intend -- and have the skills and the means -- to make that more than a one-to-one ratio. The pile of bodies of the next American civil war that you unthinkingly advocate would be in the millions, and we'd almost certainly win anyway, simply because our will to live free is greater than yours to oppress us.
Please, do not extrapolate from your own cowardice. You think that if you convince the federal government to carry out your policy that we'll just meekly submit, because you cannot conceive of resisting yourself. We, on the other hand, have principles that we are willing to die for. Unfortunately for some, that means we are willing to kill in defense of those principles as well.
So, you have to ask yourself, now that I have helped you think through the practical, unintended consequences of your advocated policy, is it worth it?
If I may suggest, don't piss off the "bitter clingers" by trying to take any more of our liberty and property, Andres. There's no worthwhile future in it, for any of us.
Mike Vanderboegh
The alleged leader of a merry band of Three Percenters
PO Box 926
Pinson AL 35126
A regional suspension of constitutional rights... Amazing ignorance and/or stupidity...
The "authorized journalists" are attempting to carry out their role in "Fast and Furious" despite it having been utterly exposed.
The "authorized journalists" are attempting to carry out their role in "Fast and Furious" despite it having been utterly exposed.
You forgot to mention the Clinton Rules of Engagement.....under which he may find himself in close contact with the rule of uninteded consequences.
But Andres is simply advocating stopping the importation of weapons like AKs, SKSs, Mosins, etc. and reinstating the AWB...which are icky to fuds. In fact, according to CFA, 52% of American GUN OWNERS supported reinstatement or strengthening of the AWB back in 2003.
Andres is not currently advocating taking away anyone's guns....just our ability to purchase new ones.
And the sad part is: Most American gun owners will likely be okay with this. Why do I say that? Like you, I'm a student of history.
Did you see anyone go "Ft. Sumter" for the '94 AWB? How 'bout 922R?
"But, but, but....not one more inch." Or, "No more free Wacos".
Guerena ring a bell? Oh, that wasn't Federal, so it was okay.
Guess what? This douche nozzle is claiming we need "regional" solutions. Sounds like they can get around your "Federal" requirement....if it weren't for that pesky incorporation of the Bill of Rights at the state level. Besides, regional suspension of Constitutional rights in the form of multiple layers of bureaucracy and regulations is already a reality....been to DC? How 'bout Chicago? NYC? Denver? "A right delayed is a right denied."
This is just so much saber rattling. There will be no revolution or civil war over a new AWB....just like there wasn't last time.
I certainly don't plan to start killing people over a new AWB....b/c no one else will get up off the couch either. Oh, but I'm sure you'll say I'm projecting my cowardice.
Well, first off, the chance of an AWB passing is nil....and if for some reason it did, as long as no one comes confiscating....the law will almost certainly be obeyed.
That's the truth of the matter....whether or not you choose to acknowledge it.
Anyone who's not on the No-Fly List obviously isn't working at it hard enough ;-)
You knew it was coming dept.
Just in the nick of time Al Quaida is urging members to buy guns courtesy of lax gun laws.
If we're gonna start talking about controlling the illegal trafficking of firearms maybe we should be talking about shutting down the BATFe and prosecuting them as the criminals they are.
Dear Mr. Vanderboegh, I just wanted to thank you. ""If you try to take our firearms we will kill you." It really doesn't get any simpler than that if the desired intent is protecting Liberty for ourselves and our posterity.
Anonymous III
Charles Dickens couldn't have said it better. I'm sure you'll let us know if Andres responds.
Point: "[T]he civilian firearms industry in the United States has been in decline for several decades, partly because of the growing popularity of video games and the fact that younger Americans and immigrants are less prone to buying guns."
Counter-point: During this same time period, the import industry [Glock, H&K, Benelli, Beretta, etc.,] has dramatically increased its US market share. Firearms sales (handguns in particular) have witnessed a healthy increase.
Point: "Latin American countries should step up diplomatic pressure on the United States to get Congress to reinstate a ban on assault weapons that was allowed to expire in 2004, as well as to get Obama to issue an executive order to stop imports of military-style weapons."
Counter-point: The Latin American countries, such as Rossi, Taurus and Bersa, who export firearms to the US of A would be shooting themselves in the foot if they agitated for such legislation.
Moreover, if imports are restricted the domestic industry is more than capable of picking up the slack.
Oppenheimer is shooting blanks.
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