Monday, May 19, 2014

And on the subject of minor senatorial treasons. . .

The senator is also running an ad about his work to protect and grow jobs in Kentucky — a good idea in light of his comment to the Beattyville Enterprise that economic development wasn't his responsibility — and a statewide ad in which the state's more popular senator, Rand Paul, speaks for him. Paul has also been featured prominently in direct-mail advertising, reflecting McConnell's need to keep the Paul wing of the party in his tent — or close enough to it that he won't have to reach far to bring them back in for the general election.


Anonymous said...

The teasonist activities conducted by the GOP is horrible. There is no difference between the GOP and the left wing commies . . . except that the left wing does what Ronald Reagan always professed; do not attack people in your own party in public;

so let's keep giving the commie liberals the fodder they need and continue to attack each other in public just like idiots, so they can retain their positions and further erode our conservative principals while at the same time we attack everyone who would have even a remote chance of supporting our views.

Keep attacking all of us,,,the commies just love this.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." Napoleon, 1803.

FedUp said...

That's the problem with so-called 'Tea Party' Republican politicians. When we finally get one elected, even if he sticks to his claimed principles legislatively, he will openly endorse lamestream GOP stalwarts for re-election against conservative primary challengers.

Rand Paul did it for McConnell.

Ted Cruz didn't endorse Cornyn, but he didn't endorse anybody against him either. I didn't pay much attention to the Texas primary, was there a decent conservative candidate, or was Cruz right to just stay out of the Senate primary this year?

j said...

I think Paul is losing his mind; heard him in an interview with Hannity, defending Moochelle's asinine and clownish 'bring our girls home' hashtag selfie saying that she was at least trying to raise awareness. Et tu, Rand?

Anonymous said...

Actually, McConnell is exactly right when he says economic development isn't his job. It's not. That belongs in the private sector - his job is to get out of the way of private enterprise so we can have economic development.

DAN III said...

Cruz, Paul, Boehner, Mitchell....they're all alike. NONE of them represent my values. They all deserve short rope and a tall tree.