Thursday, June 11, 2015

Obama’s Gun Speech Gag Order Is Retaliation Against Group That Sued The Gov’t Last Month

The State Dept. issued its new gun speech gag rule in order to circumvent a lawsuit filed against it last month.
Only in Washington, D.C. in 2015 can you blatantly violate the law, get called to court for it, and then unilaterally and retroactively change the law you violated in order to avoid accountability.


Block of Instruction said...

"INC" is the order of the day. What is INC you ask, I'll Not Comply" say I. First they came for X___________________ now they come for my words, next it will be my thoughts. They have fought different's for 14 years now and are still losing, I/we look the same as. Question is are they sure they want to start, what will surely be a historical event, where those who think they are beyond, will be proved very wrong? Hired guns are only loyal to the highest bidder, or until,.........

Unclezip said...

I don't ask permission from my servants.

Anonymous said...

Publish the names and personal information of the people who are attempting this BS.

Anonymous said...

Alan Gura was an excellent choice for council. He get "it".

Anonymous said...

In plain English all these would be tyrants ''CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES''... Behind Enemy Lines. In Unconstitutional collectivist Ct. We Will Never Comply...Nor Stand Down...On a local, state, federal level... AAA/O.11B20...