Friday, June 12, 2015

A further comment on the Arkansas pants-wetter.

Readers may recall this sneering column from yesterday. In response to another sneering comment, I replied:
This is a pearls-before-swine moment, but the allegations need to be answered.
The bravely anonymous "plainjim" writes: "Looks as if the NRA has all its members using their free visit to hit the like button on the comments. They obviously have no sense of humor, which is something I have always said about gun nuts."
On the contrary, neither am I a member of the NRA nor am I particularly beloved by them. In fact they hate my guts. In the Fast and Furious scandal story which I broke along with my partner-in-thought-crime David Codrea, the NRA at first ran away from the revelations as if their hair might catch fire and they had to be dragged kicking and screaming to it by their rank-and-file members. (See Sharyl Attkisson's book Stonewalled, Chapter 2, and you will find our names there. We not only broke the story, but linked up the ATF whistleblowers -- who entrusted us with their lives -- with the Senators and then with Sharyl. Not bad for a couple of "gun nuts.") My latest story on the NRA exposed a deal that they were about to be hornswoggled on that caused Chris Cox to personally attack me at the NRA annual meeting.
Indeed, your use of dehumanizing language such as "gun nuts" betrays you. You speak from ignorance about people you neither know nor understand as if ad hominem attacks are all you need to defend a logically indefensible position. In other places, people of your collectivist ilk refer to us as "gun queers," "fanatics," "insurrectionists," "traitors," and "barrel suckers," and the currently fashionable "ammosexuals." It is not far from that to referring to us as "traitors," "vermin," "cockroaches" and "rats," all words used by collectivist butchers -- from Nazis to communists to tribal murderers such as those in Rwanda throughout history to justify genocide. This fact is not lost on us. So it is not a matter of us not having a sense of humor. It is rather a case of you having a case of historical amnesia. Oh we understand you far better than you understand us. But even so, we do not (unlike you) deny you a sense of your common humanity.
As I long ago taught my daughters, a socialist is a communist who has not yet found his AK-47 and the will to use it, whereas a communist is a socialist who has discovered his Kalashnikov and is perfectly willing to kill you with it. Like all criminals, common or constitutional, the only difference is one of perceived opportunity, not of principle.
Mike Vanderboegh


Anonymous said...

Seems to me there's more than enough pants-wetting and dehumanizing rhetoric all-around here.

Anonymous said...

He got owned!

Anonymous said...

Between your thoughts here and your little speech to the "Black Lives Matter" guy, you're on a roll Mike...The ol' dude is kickin' ass and takin' names!

Arkindole said...

The only thing that will partially modulate those weenies and their campus comedy act is a Neuralizer.

AuricTech said...

As I long ago taught my daughters, a socialist is a communist who has not yet found his AK-47 and the will to use it, whereas a communist is a socialist who has discovered his Kalashnikov and is perfectly willing to kill you with it.

A 30-percenter is an American who, though having his firearm of choice, has not yet found his will to use it, when necessary, in defense of liberty.

Ideally, the 30-percenters will never find themselves forced to search within themselves for the will needed to fight for liberty. I fear, however, that this is a forlorn hope.

Perhaps our republic will steer away from the cliff towards which it is heading at full speed. Perhaps those whom we have elected to serve us will turn away from attempting to rule us. Perhaps the state will not try to use force to bend us to its will in all particulars.

"But if not..."

Magazine said...

Oh Man, that picture :)

Anonymous said...

Well said.