Monday, July 8, 2013

Will the rioters in the wake of Zimmerman's acquittal also look like the son Obama could have had?

George Zimmerman Probably Won't Be Convicted of Murder or Manslaughter -- Here's Why.


Anonymous said...

Real nice of ABC to consider the facts now, AFTER they largely contributed to the frame job on Zimmerman. Wonder if Guttman, together with Crump and the rest of the Miami/Orlando race-baiters, have been putting some money in reserve for the post acquittal action? Bring on the civil trials baby... It's party time.


Anonymous said...

A reasoned approach and consideration of the burden of proof does not necessarily end in an acquital. Zimmerman is hated because he is not black.

Women voted in larger numbers for obammy. The female jury just may not have the strength of character to acquit someone who obammy said would look like his son.

I will NOT be surprised at a conviction.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that their link is titled "george-zimmerman-convicted-murder-manslaughter"

Wishful thinking, I guess.


Anonymous said...

The logic presented in this article is difficult for reasonable people to refute. But, we are not dealing with reasonable people. Otherwise, Mr. Zimmerman would never have been charged. The best this man can hope for is a hung jury. The worst case scenario is a voluntary manslaughter conviction.
If you look at the gang-banger, mad-dog expressions of the "victim's" family and supporters, the jurors are probably shaking like a dog defecating peach pits. Black Amerika has White Amerika on the run. And, they know it.

Anonymous said...

The defense needs to convince the jury that neither Travon's age nor the fact that he was unarmed have a bearing on the case. The only factors determining the verdict should be:
1. Who actually provoked the physical confrontation, ie, who started it?
2. At the moment he pulled the trigger, did Zimmerman fear for his life or grave bodily from the actions of Travon?
3. Was it reasonable under the circumstances for Zimmerman to have that fear?
Those are the only factors the jury should consider. If the judge is worth a damn, those facts should be in the judge's charge to the jury as well as in the defense's closing statement.

- Old Greybeard

Unknown said...

Lil Tray picked the wrong guy to dust to give him street cred back in Miami.
Ole Rocker

Anonymous said...

Black Rage as a tool for political gain in this country is only as good as it's potential to instill fear.

IMO those days have passed.. too many are no longer afraid or have become fed up with living in fear. Too many have remedied their unprotected status to gun owner for their own defense.. pandering to Black Rage is a domestic enemy tactic that has lost its teeth. Would it be better not to happen, sure but the threat of it is no longer effective. With a minority population of 13.1% and out of that 13% maybe 3-4 will actually partake in the follies.. I would chance to call that a mistake of unintended consequences.

Yank lll

J. Travis said...

I remember back in the 70's when neo-nazis were saying that there was a deliberate conspiracy to foment racial civil war and subjugation of white people to "minority" races.

Those silly racist nazis!

That would never happen!

Anonymous said...

Nah....They'll just have acted "STUPIDLY".

Anonymous said...

By the way...
Never bring only fists to a gunfight.

Anonymous said...

Yep , they''ll be exactly like him bullet holes n all .