Sunday, July 7, 2013

“Why did you shoot me? I was reading a book”: The new warrior cop is out of control

More from Radley Balko.


Longbow said...

They are Proud of themselves.

Think on that.

Anonymous said...

quote"In January 2011, the Culosi family accepted a $2 million settlement offer from Fairfax County. That same year, Virginia’s government spent $20 million promoting the state lottery."unquote

This says it all. Yes, you are correct if you think we are living adjacent to a Twilight Zone parallel universe of the absurd.

Anonymous said...

"They are Proud of themselves"

Yes indeed they are but you can't blame them after all because every time they do what they are told, they get a medal and or a promotion.

Don't have to think on that one at all...

SWIFT said...

There is an unannounced war going on. At least once a week you read about Police/Special Agents/SWAT engaging in an unlawful killing. To hell with the 2 million settlement for your family; take someone with you. Thin out the jack-booted thugs. After enough people shoot back; the war can then be officially announced, ending the bullshit.

AJ said...

If I could have one wish, it would be that every time a SWAT team assembles in the US, the citizenry would band together and open fire on them.
I am far more fearful of the .gov's stormtroopers than anything they purport to be defending me from.

Unknown said...

Any of these raids being done on mosques suspected of terrorist acts.
I didn't think so ...
Ole Rocker

Anonymous said...

Hey Unknown...

Yes, raids and false arrests and entrapment of FBI radicalized Muslims in America is being conducted on a regular basis. The FBI agents find and target the dumbest, usually youngest "radical" Muslims in these US mosques and then stir them up to get them to "plot" against the US....provide them training on how to carry out a "terror" attack and then give them the supplies to get it done. Once they go ahead with the plan, the FBI swoops in and claims they stopped a terrorist plot. But in almost every case, the guy never would have attempted the plot had they not entrapped them in the first place.