Monday, July 8, 2013

Gun bill veto override action expected on both sides of Mississippi

On both sides of the Mississippi, the governors seem to have forgotten the difference between governors and emperors. It's time they were reminded.


Anonymous said...

On the Illinois side, both the governor AND the legislature (controlled totally by democrats) need to be taught that their one party rule is not an emperorship. SB183 is a GUN CONTROL bill that should just die of a veto. It's been called by democrats for a veto override. Republicans COULD force democrats to pass this GUN CONTROL on their own by voting NO on the override.

It would only take ONE "pro gun" democrat to ice the legislation. The result would be that Illinoisans could then carry openly or concealed provided they have a background check to gain a FOID card. Two desperate "permits" to own and to carry is UNreasonable.

150 bucks, another couple to few hundred for 16 hours training, fingerprinting fee, list time at work, forced waiving of all privacy rights (HIPPA as example understanding all medical info is then shareable with local state and federal levels of government) a disguised duty to inform, and bans on carrying on public transportation make this legislation a terrible idea from start to finish. Open carry is banned and so is the carrying of long guns.

Worst of all though is the FACT that this legislation LEAVES IN PLACE language that was directly ruled as unconstitutional! Explain this please, friends - how can simply ADDING a permission slip to offending code suddenly make that code switch from unconstitutional to constitutional?

Either we have a right to bear arms or we have a right to beg and pay for permission slip applications. SB183 is the latter. I predict that corrupt REPUBLICANS will side with machine Democrats and impose this legislation upon us. Thus it will be proven that there isn't even a dem lite factor anymore. They are just the same - tyrants.

Anonymous said...

Bring out the guillotines - that should send the correct message, me thinks.

Anonymous said...

guillotines, are not needed.

It's why God invent rope