Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gestapo Mueller to be asked F&F questions today. Hope they get around to the Brian Terry murder cover-up.

"Please, please, please, Gaia, don't let them ask a question about the one-armed snitch." Senate to Ask FBI Director About Detention Rules, "Fast & Furious"
Washington, DC Wednesday, December 14, 2011
FBI Director Robert Mueller heads to the Hill today to update the Senate Judiciary Committee on how the detention provisions in this year's defense bill will affect FBI operations.
The Defense Authorization bill that came out of a House/Senate conference committee contains a provision that would expand military power over suspected terrorists and require detention of those suspects to be held in military custody even if they were caught in the U.S.
Director Mueller is also expected to be asked about the "Fast and Furious," an ATF sting operation aimed at stopping the illegal flow of weapons into Mexico.
Of course, Mueller could answer both general question topics by having his thugs throw a black hood over my head and kidnap me to a rendition center somewhere nice and private.
("Now THERE'S an idea. . . ")

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