So, I was talking to a friend about the Road Dog case after communicating with CPT Jonathan Tuttle.
We were marveling that these agents (it seems there are at least three of them telling the dangerous truth about the lies told to get the wiretap) must understand what it means to go up against the beast within. This behavior is at least career ending. Yet there they are, telling the truth despite the blowback. They must know that this is a life or death struggle. And it came to me that, for the lawbreakers of the Chief Counsel's office, it would be easier to set these guys up and kill them without too many questions being asked. Indeed, such a "clean-up" operation could be made so that their deaths served the larger agenda of CCO and the anti-gun politicians' they serve.
I can hear your skepticism, but the thing you must understand is that from the perspective of the felons-under-color-of-law, these senior executives of the ATF, this IS life-or-death for their power to call the shots and still escape responsibility.
I know that in at least one case, the continuing attempt to prosecute an economic Waco on an innocent man, their attempts to bankrupt him continue. This is happening AFTER the reported chastening of these mokes by Eric Holder and Main Justice. Now, either this pursuit of an unlawful agenda has Eric Holder's approval, or, they ain't scared of his narrow ass. If so, he only THINKS that he and Melson are in control of the ATF and the agency is as out-of-control as they have ever been.
So, if I were these three agents, I'd be watching my back. It is a small step from powerful people wishing you and the uncomfortable issues that you raise to go away, and the same people arranging an event (that is certainly within their power) to make it so.
After all, if they want to kill me they have to go through a lot of paperwork to justify it -- surveillance, wiretaps, warrants -- and the possibility of retribution of the "One Hundred Heads" sort. But to maneuver an ATF agent into a deadly confrontation? He carries an agency phone and drives an agency car, both "low-jacked" as it were, thus they know where he is at any given moment. Giving them the task of investigating MS-13 could certainly be arranged. No problem. And then, the anonymous phone call. For them it would be as easy as pie.
So say a prayer for these lonely ATF agents. They've pissed off some powerful people within their own agency, and they could use all the Heavenly assistance they can get.
Mike Vanderboegh
"Who will rid me of this troublesome.....agent?"
I've been waiting for it.
May God bless and protect them as they travel through the valley.
We are a nation of Constitutional laws. Problem is there are many thousands of unconstitutional laws that commies want, do and will keep.
Mountain rifleman.
I'm personally of the opinion that our "100 heads" policy be extended to these brave men and their families. We need to encourage even more people like these agents to come forward and stand up for the American people and our Constitution. If more of them knew we had their backs, we may be able to head off alot of needless trouble with the JBTs in DOJ.
What did that King say about that Archbishop in England? Something about ridding me of Becket? And the next anybody knew, he was gone.
They all better be sleeping with one eye open all the time.
You're right, Mike. ANYONE with the stones to tell the simple truth about that bunch of pure evil-doers has MY admiration and, should he need it, my backing. This retired old mud Marine still remembers some of the lessons I learned in almost a quarter century on duty. I'm available as your security as long as you're out there protecting our Constitution and the American People, who are the source of ALL of FedGov's LIMITED grant of authority.
It must be done, protect these three and immediately avenge them 100 fold so the point will not be missed. We do not need another "law"or procedure, it is imperative that blowback be blown back.
After the search for the innocent begins maybe the message will filter in......
I'd like to throw out the possibility that these agents who are "blowing the whistle" at ATF is really just a false flag, thier own setup they've contrived. Some sort of psyop against us 3pers. I'm not saying that it is, I'm just saying that anything is possible with these guys.
"I'd like to throw out the possibility that these agents who are "blowing the whistle" at ATF is really just a false flag, thier own setup they've contrived. Some sort of psyop against us 3pers. I'm not saying that it is, I'm just saying that anything is possible with these guys."
Trust yer Uncle Mike. This is real, the boys on the fifth floor at ATF headquarters are sweating this, really sweating this. The moving thing to me is the readiness of Threepers to come to their aid if necessary. That militiafolk are willing to risk what these agents "comrades in arms" will not speaks volumes. Volumes.
One hundred heads for the life of anyone who defies The Beast.
Even more so for those who do so from within its belly.
"Trust yer Uncle Mike. This is real, the boys on the fifth floor at ATF headquarters are sweating this, really sweating this. The moving thing to me is the readiness of Threepers to come to their aid if necessary. That militiafolk are willing to risk what these agents 'comrades in arms' will not speaks volumes. Volumes."
Very good sir. I needed to pose the question. I am not in the military, nor ever was, however I am a historian and well aware of the types of trickery that despots have used against thier own people down through the ages. Know that there are many of us in the "frozen north" who are like-minded 3pers.
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