From an email by SJ:
RedState.com is starting to wake up to the reality we face:
I can't do comments from behind the firewall here at the office but someone should post the John McClaine quote I use in my subject line and a link to Sipsey Street.
At the moment, ny home account is down because of power failure and I cannot post to the site because of firewalls at the computer I'm using. Any Threeper want to welcome Red State to the party, with our compliments?
Wow, I almost feel famous. Yippie-ki-yay....
I'd love to, but Wordpress likes you to be a member for an unstated amount of time before it lets you comment.
Really a PITA. If the site ever lets me, I have a comment ready to go for the Pelosi gun registration/ban article.
Sure, I'll do it!
Well, I tried, but it wouldn't let me do it....
Direct link to the alleged DHS document:
Again, they manage to lump about 130 Million Americans into the right-wing conspiracy camp.
More fun to follow...
Exactly what would you like for me to post?
Tried to do that, but was informed that I "hadn't been registered long enough to comment." Huh?
Looks like I'll be getting all that new spam for nothing...
Speaking of a "wake up reality moment"......I thought you all might appreciate reading this piece of "gray propaganda" from the hard working beaureaucrats at DHS.
Their latest work singles out military veterans and propagandizes a pack of falsehoods and half truths.
I would VERY much appreciate it if you would post and discuss this here with all the 3 percenters.
A humble but annonymous disabled, military war veteran who is shocked, appalled and angered by such gray propaganda and lies.
yeah same here, i tried it at lunch time :(
Mike, SJ here. Not sure if you've seen a traffic uptick or not but I managed to post a comment and link on RedState and a few other right blogs.
It's growing serious legs. Michelle Malkin verified it and even big name radio talkers were on it this morning.
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