Patch Update from Raven's Wood

Raven's Wood Enterprises has shipped all orders received as of March 30, 2009. Any orders received from March 31, 2009 will be delayed as we await a new shipment of patches.
New Options: 3 color Desert will be offered in addition to the Woodland patch.
If you've sent an order that you think might be received on or after March 31st, please be patient as we will ship them as quickly as we receive them. Also, please remember that if you choose to send anything other than a USPS Money Order, your shipment will be delayed by 7 to 10 days as we await your instrument to clear the bank.
In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding your order, please send a note to: Please include the your name, the street address, and the amount of patches you ordered.
Thank you!
Raven's Wood Enterprises, LLC.
Please post a picture of the 3 color Desert patch when able. Thanks
Ok, will do!
you take cc payments yet?
I ordered a patch and a few other items, and I wanted to comment on the outstanding communication and service I received from Tom.
Low Recoil:
He would like a PO money order, although I sent him a Western Union one.
I received my III patch yesterday, and it is indeed one of quality. I also ordered three of the whistles below, but waiting for their backorder.
Hearing is believing! You can't out-scream this whistle!"
Almost everyone, from small children to seniors, can benefit from our patent pending JetScream's™ piercing whistle. Ultimate Survival Technologies is proud to offer our JetScream™ Whistle. This whistle is one of the loudest in the world, any louder and it would cause physical pain, literally. You can hear JetScream's™ amazing 122Db ear-piercing shriek, above most natural or man-made noises. It is equivalent to the sound of a rock concert or a jet at take off. You can use JetScream™ in the city or woods for communication and personal protection. You don't need a big bulky whistle to make a loud blast and this sleek little device proves it!
PRICE: $6.50 (plus shipping)
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