Well, folks, I said it then (The SPLCization of Law Enforcement in the 21st Century: Conflation, moral panic and the "Narrative of 1995.") and it now proves to be true. That stupid Homeland Security report on "Right-wing Extremism" was written with sources drawn primarily from the Southern "Poverty" Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League. Here are the pdf's of a three page response to a FOIA request:
Page 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?tic5xy4mzuo
Page 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?zmdqzqnizn1
Page 3: http://www.mediafire.com/?gtguhjoz2qz
I transcribe them below because I had a devil of a time getting past the (expletive deleted) pop-ups and other crap on Mediafire.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528
Mr. (Redacted)
P.O. Box (Redacted)
Chicago, IL (Zip code redacted)
Re: DHS/OS/PRIV (identifier redacted)
Dear Mr. (Redacted):
This is the final response to your Freedom of Information act (FOIA) request to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), dated April 16, 2009, and received in this office April 22, 2009. You requested records relating to the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis assessment titled, "Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," to include the following:
1. With respect to "(U//FOUO) DHS?I&A notes that prominent civil rights organizations have observed an increase in anti-Hispanic crimes over the past five years," found on page 5 of 9 of the document, you requested the following:
** Names of the cited "prominent civil rights organizations," as well as any references used to create the document or this citation within the document.
2. With respect to "(U) In April 2007, six militia members were arrested for various weapons and explosives violation. Open source reporting alleged that those arrested had discussed and conducted surveillance for a machinegun attack on Hispanics," found on page 5 of 9 of your document, you requested the following:
** Website links or media references to the "open-source reporting" referred to in the document, as well as any references, websites, etc. used to create this citation.
3. With respect to "(U) A militia member in Wyoming was arrested in February 2007 after communicating his plans to travel to the Mexican border to kill immigrants crossing into the United States," found on page 5 of 9 of the document, you requested the following:
** Website links or media references to the "open-source reporting" referred to in the document, as well as any references, websites, etc. used to create this citation.
A search within the Office of Intelligence and Analysis (OI&A) for records that would be responsive to your request produced a total of 127 pages, all of which are publicly avaliable. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ss552(a)(1) and (a)(2), DHS need not make available under the FOIA records that are published elsewhere. As the responsive documents are publicly available and you specifically requested "website links," we have not enclosed hard copies with this response.
With respect to Item 1, the following website links are provided:
With respect to Item 2, the following website links are provided:
With respect to Item 3, the following website links are provided:
If you deem this advisement an adverse determination, you have the right to submit an appeal. Should you wish to do so, you must send your appeak and a copy of this letter, within 60 days of the date of this letter, to: Associate General Counsel (General Law), U.S. Department of Homeland security, Wasdhington, D.C. 20528, following the procedures outlined in the DHS regulations at 6 C.F.R. s5.9. Your envelope and letter should be marked "FOIA Appeal." Copies of the FOIA and DHS regulations are available at www.dhs.gov/foia.
Provisions of the FOIA allow us to recover part of the cost of complying with your request. In this instance, because the cost is below the $14 minimum, there is no charge. 6 C.F.R. s 5.11(d)(4).
If you need to contact our office again about this matter, please refer to DHS/OS/PRIV(Redacted). This office can be reached at 866-431-0486.
Vania T. Lockett
Acting Departmental Disclosure Officer
So when does Obongo appoint Dees and Foxman, the Ayhole Twins, to sit at the right hand of Eric Holder, that they may dispense wisdom and justice from their fecally crusted hands?
I would say I was surprised but I am not. I had a friend that ol morie said was a Kluxer type, he was in fact a anarchist. Sadly he had not the funds to sue for defamation. Funny how you can not get free legal help if your not a lib.
Should it surprise us that the fairy, Morris Dees is a major "source" behind this?
Big surprise. I told everyone I know that the HS text and images read like an SPLC and ADL handout when I first read it.
What this means to me is that HS has a shortage of smart people who can write or re-write in native English.
Hooray for our side.
"What this means to me is that HS has a shortage of smart people who can write or re-write in native English."-Idaho Bob
What they don't have is a shortage of people who will operate with utmost savagery in pursuit of the tasks laid before them, much like the German Gestapo.
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