Some of you no doubt remember that Hannah fired her first Mosin Nagant bolt-action at a machine gun shoot up in Ohio earlier this month. At the time it bruised her shoulder. Still, she liked it and now has one of her own.
In addition to a lace-on butt pad, I'd like to put one of these on it:

According to Scotto, who posted these photos on AR15Armory.com a couple of years ago here:
I had this SKS/AK post ban slip-on muzzle break that was designed to look like a AK74 break rolling around in my parts bin for some time now and since all my AK’s and SKS’s are pre ban and have bayonet lug’s I never gave it much thought. I just realized that it will also fit on my son’s M44 Mosin-nagant. This little 7.62x54 carbine barks and spits out 3 foot muzzle flashes so this should be fun to see if this break tames any of that…

I have seen other muzzle breaks sold for the M-44 that resemble this but they have bolts which hold them on. Because the M-44 has a side-folding bayonet, I would like the muzzle break to be easily removable like the one in the photos above. Any ideas, guys?
Cheaper Than Dirt seems to have a large selection of muzzle brakes that might do the trick. Several claim to be twist on, but generally have a set screw to lock things in place.
Another place to look would be the Numrich Arms parts site at e-gunparts.com
I've seen these for sale, I'll have a look around. Midway may be a good bet. Personally, I don't trust slip-on muzzle devices -- they have a habit of going downrange. Some better but somewhat pricier options for Mosin-taming include shooting light ball surplus (less throw weight = less kick), and reloading with a lighter charge (my preference, since I cast for that caliber).
Here are some links to some twist-on muzzle brakes. There is a variety of styles available.
Perhaps one of these will fill your needs.
www.tickbitesupply.com has a compensator for an M44, and a butt pad that replaces the metal one.
Even if it isn't one of these, maybe this will do the trick (CNC Warrior has a good rep) -
SKS Monster Brake
CNC Warrior OnLine Store
Nothing like a rifle in the hands of a competent female.
My wife and I agree that our daughter will be trained likewise.
I just got one of these recoil pads:
It attaches using the existing screw holes.
AIM also makes this muzzle brake that attaches using a hinged clamp and a thumbscrew so it can be installed and removed without tools:
Several places online carry their products.
Any chance you'd consider letting Hanna marry my son Michael? After he finishes his degree in Biomedical Engineering, of course...
Multiport porting the barrel or a different style of porting than the commies used on this brake design would be about as effective as the photoed design and wouldn't enhance muzzle flash so much.
That design has to have a huge flash, no two ways around that when you have basically a modified field piece brake on a rifle with two very large angled ports. Moseying Maggots being notorious flamethrowers as it is.
Be good to create night blindness and set fires shooting prone in dry grass, too...Do a pretty good number on the ears of those around you and your own ears to a slightly lesser extent unless you plan to wear ear plugs in combat. The size of those ports and the way they are arranged will also do a FINE job of kicking up all the dust, grass, sand, etc. possible.
Lets see:
Will make a larger muzzle flash, guaranteed.
Ear splittingly loud
(Coming from the man that decided a .45-70 rifle barrel would make a fine .458 Lott pistol barrel for Encore usage if ported properly). My large bore boomers are quite loud but they weren't designed as combat arms and hearing protection is used.
Potential fire hazard in the field.
Will kick up about as much dust and debris on the shooting bench as one could possible want as well as in the field.
I want one too so I can keep it as a paperweight and show it to my smithy friends that have yet to see one of the worst small arms muzzle brake designs for field usage I've seen.
If they got the angle of the gas redirection right I'll give you that it likely reduces felt recoil significantly. That and a semi-spiffy twist on attachment method, IF the tolerances are correct and it doesn't fall off a lot, are about all it has going for it as a brake design. Has a simplicity of manufacture too. None of that makes up for it being a seriously inferior recoil reduction device.
If you want to do her a favor, port the barrel or get a well designed muzzle brake and put a good shotgun oriented recoil pad on like a Kick-Eez grind to fit and perhaps add some weight to the rifle in the stock. Lead works just as well as mercury but mind your balance point as to locating added weight in the wood.
We're back to you will end up having more in the Poison Nagant recoil reduction mechanisms than the rifle is worth, just like the grenade launcher brake combo, if it was done well I commented on extensively in the other post.
If she wants to shoot 7.62 Rooskie more comfortable, get her a Dragunov with a recoil pad and if you want to make it a real pussycat, a mild brake (though I wouldn't think it necessary. The Dragunov's semi-auto reciprocating mechanism, by the nature of such devices, delays and moderates the recoil impulse/recoil velocity and spreads it over a longer period of time. heck, get her a duck hunting vest with a shoulder pad if you want. Naggers were designed for soldiers that would often be wearing heavy winter coats. Same reason the length of pull is too short for your average male if he isn't wearing a heavy winter coat.
People buy a lot of them and I scratch my head and wonder why people chase a utilitarian but ugly and clunky 19th century design with lots of money trying to make it handle like a modern military rifle. Some people sink money they'll never get back in boats too, I guess if it's your money you can spend it however you want unless obanana manages to get that outlawed, but I can think of a lot nicer cheap milsurps of that era that don't cost much more. Swiss, Swedes, Krags, SMLEs, Mausers of all and sundry chamberings, all about .30 caliber or so.
As to the Nagger, put a GOOD recoil pad on it first and make sure the length of pull is right for her frame. Then proceed from there if need be.
My two pence.
You might just want to try the AK muzzle brake. It may just fit if not a little help from Mr.File may get you what your after.
Happy D:
That could work but it would make it a flash enhancer in a significant fashion. I've shot so equipped rifles.
Grind to fit recoil pad is 35 bucks plus install if you don't do it yourself and will knock a lot of the pain out. Go with shotgun oriented quality pads, they tend to gentle-ify things better than rifle versions in most manufacturers product lines because competitive clay shooters shoot many many boxes of shells on a daily and weekly basis rather than many magnum rifle shooters that sight in a couple times a year and then fire a few shots hunting.
My two pence again.
Why would you want to put a muzzle brake on a Poison Maggot? Isn't that like castrating a stud racehorse?
The Poison Maggot deserves to breathe fire as its maker intended.
Anyoen who sporterizes or otherwise tames a Poison Maggot in anyway is castrating a proud beast and that's shameful.
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