Wednesday, January 4, 2012

David Codrea questions WND piece, with good reason.

Is ‘Occupy movement' trying to replace Constitution?


Anonymous said...

I really appreciate David not jumping on the "villify OWS" bus.

A stand-up guy.

Consider for a moment this group is like Anonymous - what you see reflected in them is what passes for American culture now. Yes, some of them are crazy Left - but a lot more are idealistic (possibly misled) Center.

They *could* have your back some day. Consider.

STS2_Iver said...

It seems to me that they're not trying to replace the Constitution as much as just ignoring it. Our Constitution is what is supposed to restrain the government, and in turn allowing a free market capitalist ecconomy to bloom. America became a powerful, rich nation due to Capitalism. OWS is following the line of "Socialism - equal distribution of the suffering".

Anonymous said...

I rather agree with the Anon at 6:02

As for what STS2 Iver said -- part of the US acceptance of capitalism was driven by two things no longer extant

#1 You could always move away and start your own farm or something. This was doable to around eh 1900 or so ...

and #2 later, an application of an old Biblical principal by Henry Ford and the industrialists "The Workman is Worthy of his Hire"

Over the last 35 years though, we've gone from a rising tide lifts all boats to a full bore plutocracy (the US is by no means Capitalist) where only around 11% benefit and this leaves the country vulnerable to Socialism.

The best, nay the only way to reverse that is to give workers a better deal via better wages and benefits and restore the old social contract .

And yes its perfectly possible to force the government not to redistribute wealth, the Socialists can also have a street of their own, Roosevelt Blvd or Marx Avenue depending on degree if they the wish. Rifle-craft is rather Democratic after all.

However note that despot what the media tells you, even these silly kids with tin in their faces want much the same as all of us wants. An economy that works and a nation where 50% of the population isn't on relief

theirritablearchitect said...

I think this is why I've been so suspect of OWS from the beginning.

When interviewed, any given one of them would give one of a thousand different "reasons" for their involvement. That very lack of philosophical underpinning makes them nothing more than a mob, out for money, blood, power, you name it.

Nothing about them puts me at ease.

Anonymous said...

I have seen video of some of those "Occupy Clowns" and what comes to mind for me is to slip a black-jack that I picked up years ago into my sleeve and when the chance occurs to give them a quick "Attitude Adjustment" up side of the head. Their radical and intrusive tactics repulse me from having anything to do with them. Those poor misguided nit-wits have not a clue as to have a good and decent society unless it happens to be their imaginary utopia. Sorry, but under my watch, it ain't gonna happen.