Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tanks on Main Streets, Freedom Fighters on Sipsey Streets.

John Whitehead is worried. Me? Although I'm just as concerned about the threat and psychology of federalized, militarized police (it is, after all the principal reason the Constitutional militias formed back in the early 90s), I'm on record as being happy that the federal government is distributing all this military equipment out where the armed citizenry can reach it easily. Tanks on Main Streets are easily balanced by freedom fighters on Sipsey Streets. Which is something the powers-that-be will discover if they ever get too froggy.


Anonymous said...

There's a big advantage to this, for the freedom-minded.

The State gets to supply all your needs. There's no requirement for you to manufacture, distribute and pay for those toys... if you can just take 'em.

The War of the Flea.

Jeff Grey said...

Mike- I found your URL. No need to send. New blogger, defenitely not tech savvy, YET. Thanks, Jeff.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that the police are more trained for CQC rather than long range stand off which is to the citizenrys advantage.Learn how to be a rifleman and never be at the mercy of ht eman.

Col Bat Guano said...

" I'm on record as being happy that the federal government is distributing all this military equipment out where the armed citizenry can reach it easily."

I like how you think Mike!! The only thing we need to do is keep an inventory of what our local constabulary has in their garages and working condition. A lot of police departments may have gotten ahold of these fun toys and then determined they can't afford to maintain them. Annual budget reports are a good place to start.

Anonymous said...

After their "success" at WACO, I guess the Feds haven't figured out that they are truly out-gunned (both in quality and quantity) at the local and maybe even Federal levels.

Like you, I think its nice to spread the heavier stuff around where the locals can fetch it up after repressing the "Donut Hunters" a bit.

SWIFT said...

I do not understand this 400% projected increase of police buying military equipment in 2012; when local and state police forces are being laid off in record numbers. I cannot speak for the rest of the country, but I know what I see here in Pennsylvania. Something is very wrong when the Fraternal Order of Police see it's membership facing unemployment and the department is buy military surplus. I know other states are in as deep trouble as we are. It's like a city buying a surveillance camera for every street corner and hiring no one to monitor them. WTSHTF and if the police turn treasonous and point their guns at the people instead of protecting them, then I see these lay-offs as a good thing. Unmanned military equipment is as useless as Holder under Oath.

Mt Top Patriot said...

There is another angle on the reasons to be concerned and prepared for the tyranny breathing down our throats. It is most likely a much larger threat to the power of the ruling class than the three percent, (though I suspect when TSHTF the three percent constitutes a existential demise of the elites). It is the vast number of people who haven't figured out yet their money is already gone. I'm talking their long term personal investments in their nest eggs, like IRA's and 401's, precious metals and high value commodities, real estate and pensions. These are long gone in everything but a paper trail. It is all blue sky. None of it exists. There is not enough money in the whole world combined to make good on the warranty of these futures. It has been Ponzi schemed into the coffers of the ruling elites long ago. MF Global and Corizine/obama is the tip of the iceberg. The system is rigged six ways to Sunday to benefit these one world order robbers, and the cash cow called America has been milked dry. Try to get your money you been socking away for years. As Ann Barnhardt says, if you can't roll in it naked, it doesn't exist.
Thing is, when it dawns on these folks they have been conned and swindled out of their future and life's savings it is gonna be a lynch mob.
Contrary to popular opinion obama is not stupid nor ignorant, he is brilliant. He suckered 50 percent of the voting public to vote him as POTUS. He has given away trillions in our wealth. Where did all this money come from? Came from someplace real. Like our paychecks. Who is stupid here? Who is the most dangerous domestic enemy this Republic has ever faced? It ain't obama.
It is us.
And us, when it finds out,(faces), the bitter truth everything is gone money and investment wise as we know it, obama is going to declare Marshal Law so fast we will think we are surrounded.
Remember obama ain't no dummy. He and his ilk are playing for keeps.
They know the score, after all they created this disaster looming.
When the folks who lost everything get the ass on and decide to come for those responsible, or who they think are, and Liberty is going to have nothing to do with it, all hell is going to break loose.
Remember your cloven/piven. Turmoil and overwhelming system is at the heart of destroying this Republic and everything it represents. What better way than to have the ones who are going to loose everything and suffer the most, bankroll it.
Than to add injury to insult, as Hitler so succinctly put it:
"It is convenient to have a system of laws where everyone is a criminal."

Crisis as a means

Anonymous said...

"Marshal Law"

I believe you meant martial law, as in communities "policed" by the military.

Anonymous said...

No problem, when my college buddies, OCS classmates, and pilot training buddies are sent out to bomb some American suburbs, they'll say "load 'em up", and when they do a 180 and bomb and strafe the puppet/nwo/globalist **holes, it will be too late !!!
Captain X

Anonymous said...

Not worried about the military buildup of police agencies.

As was noted, even the cheapest APC requires a huge amount of maintenance and training to be utilized, and police departments these days can barely afford to maintain their police car fleet.

And honestly, when one of these tactical teams gets shot at, their general reaction is panic and wild shooting; few departments can actually afford the very real "Skip Work And Train" reality that a good SWAT team needs.

As it is, these departments are much like new gun owners who are are buying guns and ammo and not really thinking about how they'll actually be utilizing them.

Ex: a rifle, 13 mags, 2000 rounds of ammo...and no web gear.

Anonymous said...

On a lighter note, H/T to Bob Hope,
"Tanks for the memories . . . "

B Woodman

Gunny G said...

The government will never understand that there are millions of us vets who learned every subject from guerrilla warfare to counter-guerrilla warfare and everything in between. Many of us were INSTRUCTORS in military arts for many years and instructors afterwards, in the civilian world!

The odds are well on our side and don't forget, there are many law enforcement men and women who side with us, i.e., Oathkeepers.

Anonymous said...

Mt Top Patriot --

Well stated. Though I don't believe Zero is behind the intellectual operations and planning of current endeavors. I believe he is a compromised weak puppet.

Concerning Martial law...This was posted on

“I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. It is impossible for the US government to implement martial law. Why? The logistics of such an operation and the size of the nation. There is not enough LEO agents to do it. Yes the police has been militarized but if there a shtf scenario most will stay at home to protect their communities and families. There is about 800,000 LEO(federal,state,and local) what would happen is 25-50% of those cops do not show up for work.

If there is a major crisis that sends the entire country into chaos, it would highly unlikely that the U.S. military will be able to enforce a lock-down of the entire nation.
Even if the military manages to acquire all 1.5 million reserves and utilize 1 million of it’s total 1.5 million personnel in the Navy, Army, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard, it would struggle to control 308-310 million citizens in a land mass of 9,161,966 sq km.

American law enforcement numbers are not as strong as some of you think. According to the BLS (bureau of Labor Statistics), there were only 883,600 law enforcement personnel in 2008. And that was before the financial collapse and subsequent layoffs in local departments across the nation. The number included detectives, managers, police and sheriff’s patrol officers.
So when you add the 2,500,000 soldiers and the 883,000 law enforcement, you have a force of 3.3 million agents. This is less than one percent of America’s highly-armed population. Most of these agents will be working logistics and support for handling prisoners, transportation, intelligence and supply. But this isn’t even the biggest problem.

The police are used to dealing with people who are afraid of them and have something to lose. In a collapse scenario, the rioters will lack both characteristics. And the military will be poorly suited to police a populace that is desperation for resources. If the soldiers became violent against the population, they could divide the armed forces and spark a civil war.

It would be very difficult for the U.S. military to successfully implement martial law throughout the entire country at any given time. This would mean that they would have to secure hundred of thousands of neighborhoods, while securing all major airports, power stations, communication towers, water facilities, nuclear power plants, military bases, food distribution center, grocery stores, government official buildings and highways while keeping everyone in their homes after 6pm.

Bringing in foreign troops would problematic, because if the U.S. is in a panic, wouldn’t the other countries that are so heavily tied to America also have their own problems. Plus, we know how well foreign occupations went in Afghanistan, Vietnam and Iraq.

In all the government does not want a crisis because they are weak and incompetent to accomplish a large operation like this.”

The last sentence I don’t agree with. We already have a crisis. Economic, and the Rule of Law.

Anonymous said...

Admittedly, I was worried about this too, but I love the way you think, Moke.

Jensko said...

He talked about the civilian defense force he always wanted. "To be better equiped than our military".
They cut military spending, took stimulus money, our taxes, our social security money,
all to tool up that force.
They want the cops to walk away from their jobs. It's all part of the plan. Then at the time appointed, when the shit hits the fan. His army of cockroaches will come out of the woodwork (Brownshirts) to man those weapons. We must be steadfast in our watch. There will be no shortage of enemys.

Longbow said...

quote from Swift: "WTSHTF and if the police turn treasonous and point their guns at the people instead of protecting them..."

what do you mean when/if? Look around you. Can you spell Jose Guerena? Can you spell Ayiana Jones? How many examples do you need?

It is willful blindness to say, "Oh, well that happened over in French Lick, those guys are a bunch of Doofuses. That'll NEVER happen in my Department.", or worse, "Yeah, so and so did that. I'm glad I don't ride with him..."

Mt Top Patriot said...

You guys all have some very well said points. It is really awesome to read the note of solidarity and brotherhood concerning our Liberty and Republic. We are all gonna need each other more than we can imagine. Our Liberty determines it.

Cops, "African Americans" (or whatever politically correct hyphenation of the week the legacy media has labeled Americans who have darker colored skin), are very useful dupes and idiots who haven't figured out how vile and retched the set up by the Nomenklaturer of their persons.
In a nut shell, when TEOTWATKI happens, cops, like so many tiny fractions of our society with undue mob power and rule, when TSHTF, they are gonna need all the friends they can get. It is something they at their own peril best right skippy fast figure out. Time is running out. Their power and influence only exists at the compliments of the powers that have used them, the very same tyrants who are gonna throw them all under the bus of treason and treachery in a New York minute.

Mr. Mikes timeless axiom, "When Democracy becomes tyranny, we still get to vote"