Thursday, January 19, 2012

David Codrea: "McCain ‘opposition research’ gives further insights into Romney on guns."

"Of particular interest to Gun Rights Examiner readers—what they came up with on guns."


Ashrak said...


So is Cunningham gonna sing like a canary as Issa implies that responsibility for the whole fiasco is about to rested on his shoulders alone?

Mmmmmmmmm, could be.......

Anonymous said...

Obama vs. Obama Lite

Reminds me of the old "Less Filling" vs. "Tastes Great" ads for beer flavored water.

The lesser of two evils is still evil. A vote for evil is not what the men at Valley Forge lost their feet for.

Anonymous said...

Darrell Issa subpoenas Cunningham, Justice Dept. Az.

Says "you did not appear as planned"

Jan. 24th we expect you here.

Now if they will just swear him in and ask the correct questions.

Anonymous said...

The lesser evil will always become the only evil. A vote for Mitt will be a vote for a captain that turns the ship away from the iceberg, knowing that a long gash across several compartments will doom the ship a slow sinking.

The country is beyond repair at this point, and letting the democrats and Les Collaborateurs (Establishment Republicans better known as RINOs) ram head on into it. Letting them own the collapse will turn public outrage against them, along with the pitchforks, and leave enough of the country above the surface for restoration.

Mickey Collins said...

"A vote for Mitt will be a vote for a captain that turns the ship away from the iceberg..."

When talking about Mittens, I would have said 'will let off the throttle as the ship hits the iceberg'. Some other candidates might reverse the engine and/or give hard rudder, but not RomneyCare Mitt.

Anonymous said...

@ Mickey Collins

I was using the Titanic as a metaphor. It is widely believed that a head-on impact would have been survivable because less compartments would have been flooded.