Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Santorum -- not the "anti-Romney" when it comes to firearm rights.

A tip of the boonie hat to Keep and Bear Arms for this link, "Santorum says 11th-hour robo calls falsely claim he’s anti-gun." KABA also provides historical perspective by linking this GOA alert from 1999, when Santorum was in the Senate.
(Friday, May 21, 1999)-- On May 19, Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle (SD) said, "There may not be much difference between Democrats and Republicans anymore." Gun owners need to let the above words sink in. It remains to be seen if Republicans in the House show more spine than their Senate counterparts. In the Senate, Daschle made the comment as he reflected on the Republican "concessions and reversals on guns in the past week." Not much difference indeed. Led by high-ranking Republicans such as Majority Leader Trent Lott (MS) and Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch (UT), thirty-one Republicans voted with the Democrats to pass a crime bill that was loaded with gun rights restrictions:
* Private sales at gun shows will be BANNED unless the buyer submits to a background registration check;
* Dealers who sell handguns will be forced to include "lock up your safety" devices with every handgun sold, and gun owners are now encouraged to "lock up their safety" or else face the possibility they could be liable in court if another person steals their gun and misuses the firearm;
* A ban on the further importation of ANY magazine that holds over 10 rounds; and
* A various assortment of other anti-gun provisions, including, a ban on the mere possession of certain firearms by young adults, massive increases in funding for the BATF, and more.
[Readers should also check the GOA web page next week for a final compilation and more detailed analysis of everything that passed the Senate.]
What's the difference? One day after the Republicans handed President Clinton and Sarah Brady an incredible media relations victory, many gun owners have publicly been asking: If there's not much difference between the two parties on Capitol Hill, then why should I make a distinction between the two parties at the ballot box?
With friends like this, who needs enemas?


rdf67 said...

I don't know why anyone should be surprised that our government (including Legislators) don't care for the Bill of Rights - It interferes with their wants. The Bill of Rights was to stop government from imposing on citizenry in several different but important areas. Whether Republican or Democrat, the government wants to remove restrictions. Several TEA Party candidates have actually read the Constitution and support it. That's what we need in DC. Rep West and Sen Rubio and Sen Ron Johnson come to mind - but there are plenty of others.

Pat H. said...

Only a handful of Republicans were more progressive/fascist than Rick Santorum while he was in office.

Santorum never met a big government, statist bill he didn't like.

Worst, he campaigned for virulently anti-self defense rights advocate Arlen Spector over a pro-self defense rights candidate in the Republican primary.

Like Gingrich, Santorum would be worse than Obushma.

Anonymous said...


It's almost like someone is trying to manage our primaries....

Now why would they do that?

Who would that ultimately benefit, considering the totality of circumstances, without bias?

There's a dot, oh, and there's another!

Both of them red and sporting little hammers and sickles....

I wonder what that means!

TPaine said...

Don't know if you saw this - http://youtu.be/VYhvh_HD3Nw - but there are no more polls, and Iowa is leading the way, just like they wanted to do.

Ron Paul, baby! Ron Paul!

Anonymous said...

The most critical thing about who is President the next 4 years is:
A minimum of 1 to 2 more supreme court justices will be appointed. The 2nd Amendment barely survived by a 5-4 decision on the 2 major recent cases (Heller and Chicago).
I believe that any of the present Republican candidates would nominate justices much friendlier to 2nd Amendment than ANY that Obama would appoint! So, it is extremely important that we all vote for the Republican candidate NO MATTER WHO HE/SHE IS !!

Anonymous said...

Orrin Hatch is a tool. I would be so happy to see him out of office.

Anonymous said...

Almost none of them are the anti-Romney. What conservative has repealed the new deal? What conservative has repealed social security? What conservative has repealed the 1934 NFA? All sides of the Republican party are no better than the Tories, who themselves have never repealed British socialism.

Ron Paul and Rand Paul are the only exceptions to this.

Anonymous said...

Santorum must be feeling the heat since he has been doing robo-calls into Iowa to "set the record straight on my strong record on the 2nd Amendment."


I can only yell at the phone for so lung until I run out of explicatives.

Anonymous said...

Operating from memory here but according to the latest GOA newsletter Santorum rates a B-. Romney gets a D-.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:22,
I'd love to work against The Hatch, but all the current crop of Repugnicans are too scared to run against him. And most of the voters will vote for him because he's been in office SOOOO long,he has SUCH experience and clout and is so important.


Chris said...

Google Santorum. See what ya get!


Anonymous said...

"I don't know why anyone should be surprised that our government (including Legislators) don't care for the Bill of Rights - It interferes with their wants."

My brother's Dobermann hated his pinch collar for exactly the same reason. But the dog was simply uncontrollable without it when he was young. After some time he got the idea and it was no longer needed quite so much. Still needed the occasional tug on the leash, but much improved.

I can think of at least 500 people in Mordor on the Potomac that could use some similar discipline. Question is, do we have the balls to hold the leash?