Thursday, January 5, 2012

White House still pimpin' the "Bush made us do it" meme.

"Can I interest you in a 'Bush made us do it' excuse?"
Wide Receiver gun-walking records released by Justice Department.
WANTED BY THE FBI: The Bush Mind Controller who makes the Obamanoids do all those stupid Mexican gun tricks.


Anonymous said...

What are you doing trying to piss him off?Take that lapel pin off his jacket before he see,s it.

Moe Death said...

Mike, this supernatural power obviously exists. Every time I pour a Bushmills, I hear a voice saying "Pour some in the doggy bowl. Arf, Arf."

If that ain't proof, then nothing is!


Anonymous said...

I really LOVE that PIMP DADDY picture. It fits that arrogant pissant of a prez to a tee. May I borrow it and post it elsewhere? Inquiring minds wanna know if we can help spread the WORD about this PISSANT PREZ.

Stranger said...

I hate to quibble, but these years the term in the 'Hood is "mac daddy."

As in "That long (third) legged mac daddy in the White House ain't done nuthin' 'bout gittin us no jobs."

For more, see Pastor Manning's YouTube clips, which prominently feature the current usage of the term.
