Monday, September 15, 2014

Tell that to the selected, targeted soon-to-be victims of the collectivist gun-grabbing bastards in CT and NY.

Anti-Gun Groups No Longer Fighting For Assault Weapons Bans


T. Paine said...

And in honor of CT and NY, tonight I will go to a local restaurant, which I have patronized many times over the years that put up a 'no weapons allowed' sticker on the front door, complete with my legal ccw. I'm sure they would be surprised at how many of their loyal patrons do the same thing. Humorous!

I find it interesting that this same restaurant hires off duty LEO's on Friday and Saturday nights to stand 'watch' in the foyer area. Yes, the cop is in full cop regalia complete with vest and side arm.

Maxwell said...

This is the second account I've seen in a week that claims 'Assault weapons' are no longer a priority, even, as your header notes, while CT and NY continue to restrict guns. Is this the new tactic? Announce a shift in policy, while continuing on the same course, and hope for pro-gun complacency? Heh. Sure...We'll trust the NYT THIS time...not.

Anonymous said...

Folks - Heller is binding and it admits that government (as held in McDonald this applies to ALL government) CANNOT BAN ENTIRE CLASSES OF ARMS. It cannot pass muster.

They fear pushing for more bans because they fear having to defend those bans in court. ALSO it's quite timely to do this stuff NOW with ummmm elections at hand. Dems are so afraid of the flogging they have coming that they are dropping their favorite campaign issues!!

Anonymous said...

The Dems are running scared and trying to sound reasonable. This indicates to me that now is the time to continue the attack on anti-gun policies and pollies.

A retreat can easily be transformed in to a rout by pressing the cause at this time. The further they can be pressed and forced to retreat the further they will have to battle their way uphill if/when they once again leave reason behind.

What do you do when surrounded? Attack!
What do you do when defeat stares you in the face? Attack!
What do you do when winning? Attack! Keep Attacking!
What do you do when you win? Be magnaminious - after destroying the enemy and forcing unconditional surrender.