Monday, June 3, 2013

Hmmm. Is this all talk or has Issa rediscovered his spine?

Issa: Cincinnati IRS employees say direction came from Washington


Anonymous said...

No and neither he or his boss Speaker Boner, are going to go anything in a timely fashion, remember gunwalker?

Boner is completely owned by the other side and Issa is one of his "picked" chairmen.

You can bet that the needs of this administration and the radical Marxist left will always be the first consideration with him.

These people always seem to do the most ineffective things at precisely the wrong time, consistently. They are aides to the enemy, not friends of the people or liberty.

Anonymous said...

This isn't Issa getting a spine; It's Issa helping to take America's attention off of the far more damning Benghazi issue.

The IRS scandal was a "gimme", being disclosed by the state seemingly out of the blue:

Lerner’s admission of IRS’s inappropriate behavior was pre-planned public disclosure

Focus on Benghazi:

Reality Check: Hillary Clinton´s Accepting "Responsibility" for Benghazi While Avoiding Blame

(And also don't lose sight of the gun control issue, of course.)

Anonymous said...

Issa, SPINE???

Shirley, you jest.

Issa is a politician ipso facto he has no spine.

Have his actions not proven that repeatedly?