Monday, June 3, 2013

Federal secret political police doings: Just when I was speculating on what the Obamanoids had on this moke, a government law enforcement source sends me this.

FBI Director Candidate Comey Complicit in “Dark Chapter” in US History


Anonymous said...

Amazing. The depth of corruption in the DOJ is beyond comprehension. While I've continually maintained the USG is a Cartel, this one is living proof. Comey in no different than those Mexican Cartel enforcers masquerading as LEO's, and now Obomber wants to make him the head hancho of our beloved FBI. right. What's even more astounding is the scope and scale of the U.S Cartel criminality and the depth to which these criminals will go to hide their crimes, war crimes notwithstanding. If ever there was living proof of the illegitimacy of our government, this story is stark testimony. Makes Watergate look like a birthday party. No wonder Narco News spent so much time and effort. I'd submit this is entertwined with Fast&Furious, as it has already been documented the FBI allowed Cartel members to murder people while allowing drugs to flow by the ton. Now I see why Obombers nomination of Comey as director is a no brainer. Comey knows enough to sink this administration and Obomber knows it.
Exactly like the other side of the ocean, when Bush senior appointed Michael Hayden to head up the CIA, who then doubled the Opium output in Afghanistan in 2006.
yessireeebob, it's a BIG CLUB, and we ain't in it. thank god.

ya know, the mob hasn't got anything up on our beloved US CARTEL. Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me if the USG IS the mob.

Anonymous said...

"...who now serves on the board of the giant British Lender HSBC.."

And, what this article doesn't even approach is that HSBC was at the top of the list for liar loan/signature fraud during the housing bubble, and that they shifted this practice behind the scenes to all forms of consumer loans, specifically auto.

Someone on the BOD would never know anything about that...

Hey, liar summa cum laude...He'll fit right in with everyone up there.


Anonymous said...

Nothing to shocking here. They are all in the narcotics racket. He likely went to HSBC to guard the political interest of our elites in the narco money laundering. They wanted to make sure nothing was exposed or jeoperdized. Now that the bank was payed off with tarp money for being good sports and his job was finished. This is his reward. The party never ends.

Anonymous said...

Well it was reasonable to presume there was more to this 'appointment' than him just being the typical rubber stamping yes man the current syndicate er um 'administration' likes to place in positions of 'authority'.