Friday, August 3, 2012

Brink's Wants to Depose BATF Honcho

Can't blame them.


SWIFT said...

I do not know anything about Attorney S. Gary Werley's credentials, but I think it would be poetic for Brinks to also hire Attorneys Dick DeGuerin and Jack Zimmerman of Waco and Congressional hearings fame. Deposing turds of the ATF would be a perfect fit for them. For those who've seen Waco: Rules of Engagement, Zimmerman is one hot shot attorney with a quick mind. Being a former Marine, he is very aggressive also.

Dedicated_Dad said...


Wonder what they did to piss off The Regime?

Are they owned by a right-leaning person?

Make donations to the Republitards?

Did one of their officers dare speak out against Dear Reader or one of his inner-circle?

It's bad enough when the Klintoons were using the IRS as their own personal revenge-service, but now it seems like the entire Executive Branch is nothing more than the leg-breakers for the Demmunists at large and this Regime in general!

One thing is for damn sure: We're DEFINITELY well beyond "WROL"

David Codrea said...

SWIFT, they could not be in better legal hands with an understanding of how these things work. I have all kinds of background stuff on this and am working on a story that will elaborate on how this goes far beyond Brinks.