Thursday, August 30, 2012

David Codrea: Second Amendment bloggers share concerns over training police for domestic war.

As well they should. Be sure to follow the links and do the action items requested.


Q. Fabius Pictor said...

It appears to me that the Army and Marine Corps have decided that a large portion of their future budgets will come from the business of domestic repression.

The suppression of revolts historically has been the main function of the militaries of empires in decline.

Anonymous said...

Ok I live in Ky and this has gone on for at LEAST 30 years.So why the big deal now? they started the joint anti-drug task force about 1980 Thats NG/KSP/FBI/DEA/ARMY/BATFE/USFS. They have been training, and activly running anti-drug ops in Ky from like the Ragen/Bush years. This is about nothing. The military is at the Ky Derby, thunder over louisville and fly the cops all over the commonwelth. Hell the joint taskforce has been running LRRP type foot patrols in the Danel Boone nat.forest from like 1985, They got air cover too (was UH-1s now UH-60s).I see AH-64s and USMC super Cobras flying CAPs at least once a month. Last year we had RAF AH-64 Apachy longbows flying training all over the place. You guys should see the sillyness when the Qween(QE-2) comes over to by horses.Then the Britts get in on the act. But all of this is OLD news , this has gone on for a long long LONG time----- Ray

David Forward said...

No shit and shinola it's a major concern! If the Utopia the self anointed intellectual elites in the governing class -- along with dedicated support by the lapdog effete lamestream media -- is so great for the mundanes of the country, why are they preparing to exercise lethal force in order to force it's acceptance?

Could it be that actual liberty, personal freedom is an anathema to the concept of a closely supervised mass of obedient worker drones, and suppression is the only way to sell the Utopian benefits to the benighted unwashed?

StealthGhost said...

I'm not concerned w/ the training per se of yesteryear which was typically Joint Task combinations of different depts. etc. My concern is azimuth it's headed, the Milliterization type of training, MOUNT tactics, MRAP's (2700+) et al, coupled w/ DRONEs. The trajectory is poignant & clear. Not a good sign @ all. It clearly points to a opression of rights/liberties & totalitarian Police State imo. Suddenly it's here now through continual machinations of incrementalism, 4GW/5GW propaganda, smokescreens etc. Hang on for the ride of our lives....