Is a gun like a virus, a car, tobacco or alcohol? Yes say public health experts, who in the wake of recent mass shootings are calling for a fresh look at gun violence as a social disease.
Ever heard of Garen Wintemute? David Codrea had this link-packed article about this anti-firearm weasel last year.
Here's my take. I think that tyrannical collectivism is a far worse social disease than gun ownership. Wintemute's propagation of hoplophobia for the purposes of citizen disarmament makes him the Typhoid Mary of the 21st Century as far as I'm concerned. The fact that he cloaks his tyrannical work in pseudo-science ranks him right along with the "racial biologists" who laid the groundwork for the Final Solution. And if that violates Godwin's Law in somebody's mind, then that's just tough. I'm serious.
Why is this pseudo-scientist of tyranny smiling? Because he can get his bogus theories printed in USA Today without challenge.
Hmmm Is it not 'hoplophobia' which is becoming a recognisable anti-social disease of the mind?
Since these Doctors apparently afflicted can neither recognise nor treat their own afflictions how can they possibly pressume to 'invent' bogus social diseases?
Doctor - begin to heal thyself before misdiagnosing on the basis of ownership of inanimate objects.
This is nothing new. Hopkins School of Public Health was peddling this back in the 90's. Why don't they go do some social work on the demographic who uses guns to create all these ills.
Liberalism is definitely a disease .It is an affliction of the soul in which the sufferer exhibit`s the same symptom`s as in the latter stage`s of syphilis. This social disease is usually planted in the unsuspecting host while attending university`s located mainly in the New England and west coast states of the U.S. While outwardly they may appear as normal as anyone else, that is not the case. The first indication of having encountered a liberal will be a low pitched moaning followed shortly by a high pitched feminine whining. These are warning sign`s that the liberal is about to speak. This is a red alert situation requiring immediate evacuation of the area. WARNING: If you suspect you may be coming in close proximity to liberal`s,you should have the following emergency equipment on hand, 1 Welder`s helmet ( to shield eye`s from their brilliance) 2 ear plug`s ( even brief exposure to a liberal`s utterances will bring on violent nausea ) 3 rubber boot`s or fisherman`s wader`s ( as liberal`s begin to speak they will expectorate a substance similar to bovine feces )4 rubber glove`s ( a liberal may attempt handshaking deception )and last No.5 cast iron chastity belt, a liberal most likely will attempt to grope your genital`s . This can be a very dangerous situation , as they are known carrier`s of the AID`s virus and gonorrhea of the mouth and rectum. ( Hope this give`s you a chuckle ) laughter is the best medicine. W.R.W.
Some people don't learn from the past, some can't and some just refuse. What the good doctor proposes is exactly how CDC lost a big chunk of their funding a few years back.
Syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, and chlamydia are social diseases. Alcoholisn and heroin addiction are social diseases. Gun ownership is a RIGHT guaranteed by the US Constitution.
What is it gonna take to learn these collectivist twits to think, sniping one with a crossbow, a massacre by a knife expert, some thing totally new in weapon design?
re Garen Wintemute: aside from the impossibly weird name (what kind of sick parents name their kid Garen?) his grin reminds me of the movie Mr. Sardonicus. Interesting that you've had two posts within the last week about hoplophobe "doctors" with grinning idiot pics. Seriously, google risus sardonicus. You might find pics of Wintemute and Clawson among the images - fits them to a "t".
After doing some reading on wintemute's so-called "research", he reminds me of other U. C. "scientists" I worked with who couldn't see past their own noses, or discern real data from their own fantasies, and were just as UNethical as this quack. If I were in an ER bleeding out from an accident (gunshot or no) and this jerk was anywhere near me, I'd demand to be transported to another hospital. He's yet one more example of the kind of "doctor" who gets a medical degreee from a box of Crackerjacks.
I like the tweet from dantodd: “Garden [sic] Wintemute is paid $250,000 by the state of California to do one-sided research intended to deprive Americans of their civil rights.”
"Disease patterns, observing how a problem spreads. Gun ownership — a precursor to gun violence — can spread "much like an infectious disease circulates," said Daniel Webster, a health policy expert and co-director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research in Baltimore. "There's sort of a contagion phenomenon" after a shooting, where people feel they need to have a gun for protection or retaliation, he said."
Baseball bat sales ought to be restricted too. I'd much rather be shot to death than clubbed to death, if given the choice.
"Contagion phenomenon" really? How about "survival instinct"? On seeing that one can be shot in a movie theater, any sane person would want to do something towards self-preservation, either carrying a weapon or wearing armor, or both.
Hmmm Is it not 'hoplophobia' which is becoming a recognisable anti-social disease of the mind?
Since these Doctors apparently afflicted can neither recognise nor treat their own afflictions how can they possibly pressume to 'invent' bogus social diseases?
Doctor - begin to heal thyself before misdiagnosing on the basis of ownership of inanimate objects.
This is nothing new. Hopkins School of Public Health was peddling this back in the 90's. Why don't they go do some social work on the demographic who uses guns to create all these ills.
Liberalism is definitely a disease .It is an affliction of the soul in which the sufferer exhibit`s the same symptom`s as in the latter stage`s of syphilis. This social disease is usually planted in the unsuspecting host while attending university`s located mainly in the New England and west coast states of the U.S. While outwardly they may appear as normal as anyone else, that is not the case. The first indication of having encountered a liberal will be a low pitched moaning followed shortly by a high pitched feminine whining. These are warning sign`s that the liberal is about to speak. This is a red alert situation requiring immediate evacuation of the area. WARNING: If you suspect you may be coming in close proximity to liberal`s,you should have the following emergency equipment on hand, 1 Welder`s helmet ( to shield eye`s from their brilliance) 2 ear plug`s ( even brief exposure to a liberal`s utterances will bring on violent nausea ) 3 rubber boot`s or fisherman`s wader`s ( as liberal`s begin to speak they will expectorate a substance similar to bovine feces )4 rubber glove`s ( a liberal may attempt handshaking deception )and last No.5 cast iron chastity belt, a liberal most likely will attempt to grope your genital`s . This can be a very dangerous situation , as they are known carrier`s of the AID`s virus and gonorrhea of the mouth and rectum. ( Hope this give`s you a chuckle ) laughter is the best medicine. W.R.W.
Dear Typhoid Marys:
A massive number of doctors in every field are HUGE adherents to the 2nd Amendment. Physicians, heal thyselves?
Some people don't learn from the past, some can't and some just refuse. What the good doctor proposes is exactly how CDC lost a big chunk of their funding a few years back.
Syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, and chlamydia are social diseases. Alcoholisn and heroin addiction are social diseases. Gun ownership is a RIGHT guaranteed by the US Constitution.
What is it gonna take to learn these collectivist twits to think, sniping one with a crossbow, a massacre by a knife expert, some thing totally new in weapon design?
re Garen Wintemute: aside from the impossibly weird name (what kind of sick parents name their kid Garen?) his grin reminds me of the movie Mr. Sardonicus. Interesting that you've had two posts within the last week about hoplophobe "doctors" with grinning idiot pics. Seriously, google risus sardonicus. You might find pics of Wintemute and Clawson among the images - fits them to a "t".
After doing some reading on wintemute's so-called "research", he reminds me of other U. C. "scientists" I worked with who couldn't see past their own noses, or discern real data from their own fantasies, and were just as UNethical as this quack. If I were in an ER bleeding out from an accident (gunshot or no) and this jerk was anywhere near me, I'd demand to be transported to another hospital. He's yet one more example of the kind of "doctor" who gets a medical degreee from a box of Crackerjacks.
I like the tweet from dantodd: “Garden [sic] Wintemute is paid $250,000 by the state of California to do one-sided research intended to deprive Americans of their civil rights.”
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity."
Sigmund Freud in "General Introduction to Psychoanalysis"
I think that he would look better in pink.
"Disease patterns, observing how a problem spreads. Gun ownership — a precursor to gun violence — can spread "much like an infectious disease circulates," said Daniel Webster, a health policy expert and co-director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research in Baltimore.
"There's sort of a contagion phenomenon" after a shooting, where people feel they need to have a gun for protection or retaliation, he said."
Baseball bat sales ought to be restricted too. I'd much rather be shot to death than clubbed to death, if given the choice.
"Contagion phenomenon" really? How about "survival instinct"? On seeing that one can be shot in a movie theater, any sane person would want to do something towards self-preservation, either carrying a weapon or wearing armor, or both.
Ask Clayton Cramer about Wintemute, he knows him quite well.
Clayton lived up in the North SF Bay area while he finished up his post grad degree, and pretty much kept up with everything in the pro-gun community.
He lives in Idaho now, and has his own blog.
Looks like this guy...
He's just another California douchebag. Good place for him.
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