Thursday, June 13, 2013

Y'all are not "normal," or so says Chris Matthews.

Chris Matthews: Weird Gun People Are Not 'Normal,' 'Obsessed,' Racist
"The gun people, they think about nothing else. And they never change their minds, never change their attitudes and never change the frickin' subject. How do you keep an interest among normal people that keeps up with that intense, almost, well, obsession that the gun people have?"


Robin said...

I can answer the question in one word: sex. Of course, that probably never even entered his mind. As you age, you tend to remember the good things, not the bad.

Anonymous said...

"How do you keep an interest among normal people that keeps up with that intense, almost, well, obsession that the gun people have?"

We he is right about something but doesn't know it. Individuals with the ability to use critical thinking skills is not normal.

To answer his question: You quit feeding them Dancing with Idle Voice Stars programing. Just sayin'.

Wraith said...

"The Leftists, they think about nothing else. And they never change their minds, never change their attitudes and never change the frickin' subject. How do you keep an interest among normal people that keeps up with that intense, almost, well, obsession that the Leftists have?"

Fixed that for him.

SWIFT said...

Chris Matthews is an aging queer. No more;no less. What a legacy!

tom said...

If they would leave us alone, we wouldn't need to keep pointing out that they are not leaving us alone, as Stephen Wenger so aptly puts it:

There is nothing reasonable about
"reasonable regulation" of the
right to keep and bear arms.
It's all about eventual abolition
of the right.--S.P.Wenger

There is no such thing as compromise. People taking away only some of my firearms is not a "compromise", it's theft under color of ILLEGAL LAW. Same as saying I'm entitled to the right to privacy unless I use an electronic form of communication, and then I "do not have a reasonable expectation of any privacy, so the 4th doesn't apply. I'll go back to muskets (technology of the time the founding fathers founded us) beyond my recreational hobby right when Tactical teams and F-Troop start going on raids with muzzle loaders.--Tom

Anonymous said...

This dipstick needs to be reminded that gun ownership is an act of responsible citizenship. Ask him what gun he owns and carries. None? Why not?

Anonymous said...

The feeling is mutual, Chris!

Anonymous said...

Chris Mathews? Who gives a fuck what this dimwit says. Or any other MSM sycophant talking head for that matter. They're ALL brain dead.

Ed said...

And for some odd reason, those people at the ACLU keep on insisting that you can express your opinion without fear of repercussion from our government.

Anonymous said...

PissyChrissy Matthews can EABODADIAF.