The ORIGINAL gathering place for a merry band of Three Percenters. (As denounced by Bill Clinton on CNN!)
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
"Tenets of Liberal Education (read 'collectivist indoctrination') Underpin Govt. Abuses."
August Bebel.
In 1883 the German socialist August Bebel . . . talked about how education in a socialist society will be different to bourgeois society. An enlightened humanist socialist education system will help children grow into fully rounded individuals.
Many of these ideals were incorporated into western education during the 20th century, but they have always been attacked from the right, as they are today.
In the new society the conditions of life are equal for all. Men’s needs and inclinations differ and these differences, being rooted in man’s very nature, will continue to exist, but every individual can develop in keeping with the conditions of life that are identical for all. Like so much else, the uniform equality imputed to socialism is nonsense.
The proper education of the rising generation must be one of the principal tasks of the new society. Every newly born is a welcome addition to society, for society sees in him the prospect of its continuation and its own further development and, therefore, also feels the duty to defend the new human being to the best of its ability. -- Education under socialism.
Leaving aside the NSA snooping, which is apparently legal (if worrisome), it is easy to view the three scandals rocking the Obama administration -- Benghazi, IRS, and Department of Justice -- as disconnected instances of the abuse of power.
But this is not necessarily so.
Although apparently unrelated to each other in their planning and execution, the three controversies exhibit a shared sensibility -- and possess a common root. Each reflects a cardinal tenet of the powerfully reinforced brand of left-liberalism inculcated on university campuses in this country.
They are listening to us. Nobody likes it. It is true that the information they collect is mostly mundane and trivial but it goes against our principles.A lot of people are upset about it and rightfully so. Don't worry this information collection can be used to our advantage.
If we all boycotted our ISP's and Cellphone service providers it would have a major impact on them. Simply disrupting the normal activities of an organization can be effective means of protest. Flooding offices with paperwork, information requests, filling out forms incompletely so that they must be reviewed and filled out again can all help to slow down a bureaucracy. Almost every database is worth gumming up with disinformation.Entering false data,creating organizations or people that don't exist, submitting incomplete data, are all good tactics for rendering a data base less than useful for it's intended purposes.It takes time and resources to analyze that much information.The more disinformation that is put into the data base the less reliable it becomes and over time it becommes useless.
from the Wiki,good place to start-"Disinformation is intentionally false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately. For this reason, it is synonymous with and sometimes called black propaganda. It is an act of deception and false statements to convince someone of untruth. Disinformation should not be confused with misinformation, information that is unintentionally false.
Unlike traditional propaganda techniques designed to engage emotional support, disinformation is designed to manipulate the audience at the rational level by either discrediting conflicting information or supporting false conclusions. A common disinformation tactic is to mix some truth and observation with false conclusions and lies, or to reveal part of the truth while presenting it as the whole (a limited hangout).
Another technique of concealing facts, or censorship, is also used if the group can affect such control. When channels of information cannot be completely closed, they can be rendered useless by filling them with disinformation, effectively lowering their signal-to-noise ratio and discrediting the opposition by association with many easily disproved false claims."
Then there is this-"Black propaganda is false information and material that purports to be from a source on one side of a conflict, but is actually from the opposing side. It is typically used to vilify, embarrass or misrepresent the enemy.[1] Black propaganda contrasts with grey propaganda, the source of which is not identified, and white propaganda, in which the real source is declared and usually more accurate information is given, albeit slanted, distorted and omissive. Black propaganda is covert in nature in that its aims, identity, significance, and sources are hidden."
I will end this with a quote from one of my favorite patriots, Samuel Adams.He was one of the minds behind the Boston Tea Party and one hell of a brewer. " It doesn't take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men" Food for thought.
Well, ALL presidential administrations amount to an abuse of power.
Best expose of the thinking behind govt "education" is this one:
As John Dewey, one of the most influential fathers of American "education" said, "You can't make Socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming where everyone is interdependent."
Also Edward Bernays: "If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it."
"Leaving aside the NSA snooping, which is apparently legal"
Harassing and killing Jews was legal in Nazi Germany too. Basically they made it legal to do what they wanted to do and then did it. Just like our government, only the Germans didn't have our constitution and bill of rights to protect them.
But we do and it doesn't matter one bit because in the end, these people intend to do what they want and it will all be legal, based upon the "stories" they circulate in their media and entertainment venues.
I have often wondered what a psychiatrist's diagnosis of America would be at this point. Would it reflect that of the CEO or a combination of everyone? Could such a diagnosis be extrapolated from actions and reactions alone, or would we have to be presented with a sort of 'collective' Rorschach, MMPI, etc.? Do we, by default, exhibit symptoms of every disorder listed in the DSM?
What would be the treatment (and how could it be applied)?
One thing is certain - we are really phuqued-up in the head.
They are listening to us, collecting every meta-bit AND the actual audio from both sides. The new NSA bunker in UT is the bottomless pit of storage that is the recollection of Mordor.
It's the ultimate Essential Elements of Friendly Information repository and sorting table. Add in the real-time location-finding of smart-fones and FarceBook, combined with the VISA card that calls home whenever used or near an RFID terminal, and they know everything not left in your prayers.
The Federal government has declared war on the American people. It's time to pick up your rifles and defend your country, your homes, and your families. Anyone still working for this government is a traitor to the Constitution and the American People, and they are your enemy. Anyone STILL working for the NSA, FBI, ATF, IRS, Secret Service, or politician that has done nothing about Obama's fake ID or the government's transgression of the Constitution should be on your list - and that includes the so-called TEA party "conservative" politicians who have done Nothing to defend the Constitution they swore an oath to defend. The time is now people, or learn to be content in your slavery.
They are listening to us. Nobody likes it. It is true that the information they collect is mostly mundane and trivial but it goes against our principles.A lot of people are upset about it and rightfully so. Don't worry this information collection can be used to our advantage.
If we all boycotted our ISP's and Cellphone service providers it would have a major impact on them. Simply disrupting the normal activities of an organization can be effective means of protest. Flooding offices with paperwork, information requests, filling out forms incompletely so that they must be reviewed and filled out again can all help to slow down a bureaucracy. Almost every database is worth gumming up with disinformation.Entering false data,creating organizations or people that don't exist, submitting incomplete data, are all good tactics for rendering a data base less than useful for it's intended purposes.It takes time and resources to analyze that much information.The more disinformation that is put into the data base the less reliable it becomes and over time it becommes useless.
from the Wiki,good place to start-"Disinformation is intentionally false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately. For this reason, it is synonymous with and sometimes called black propaganda. It is an act of deception and false statements to convince someone of untruth. Disinformation should not be confused with misinformation, information that is unintentionally false.
Unlike traditional propaganda techniques designed to engage emotional support, disinformation is designed to manipulate the audience at the rational level by either discrediting conflicting information or supporting false conclusions. A common disinformation tactic is to mix some truth and observation with false conclusions and lies, or to reveal part of the truth while presenting it as the whole (a limited hangout).
Another technique of concealing facts, or censorship, is also used if the group can affect such control. When channels of information cannot be completely closed, they can be rendered useless by filling them with disinformation, effectively lowering their signal-to-noise ratio and discrediting the opposition by association with many easily disproved false claims."
Then there is this-"Black propaganda is false information and material that purports to be from a source on one side of a conflict, but is actually from the opposing side. It is typically used to vilify, embarrass or misrepresent the enemy.[1] Black propaganda contrasts with grey propaganda, the source of which is not identified, and white propaganda, in which the real source is declared and usually more accurate information is given, albeit slanted, distorted and omissive. Black propaganda is covert in nature in that its aims, identity, significance, and sources are hidden."
I will end this with a quote from one of my favorite patriots, Samuel Adams.He was one of the minds behind the Boston Tea Party and one hell of a brewer. " It doesn't take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men" Food for thought.
Well, ALL presidential administrations amount to an abuse of power.
Best expose of the thinking behind govt "education" is this one:
As John Dewey, one of the most influential fathers of American "education" said, "You can't make Socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming where everyone is interdependent."
Also Edward Bernays:
"If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it."
Yes, it is legal. Its just not moral or constitutional.
"Leaving aside the NSA snooping, which is apparently legal"
Harassing and killing Jews was legal in Nazi Germany too. Basically they made it legal to do what they wanted to do and then did it. Just like our government, only the Germans didn't have our constitution and bill of rights to protect them.
But we do and it doesn't matter one bit because in the end, these people intend to do what they want and it will all be legal, based upon the "stories" they circulate in their media and entertainment venues.
I have often wondered what a psychiatrist's diagnosis of America would be at this point. Would it reflect that of the CEO or a combination of everyone? Could such a diagnosis be extrapolated from actions and reactions alone, or would we have to be presented with a sort of 'collective' Rorschach, MMPI, etc.? Do we, by default, exhibit symptoms of every disorder listed in the DSM?
What would be the treatment (and how could it be applied)?
One thing is certain - we are really phuqued-up in the head.
Apparently the anti-gun idiot Jim Carrey's movie career is now....SHOT. Sorry for the corny joke!
They are listening to us, collecting every meta-bit AND the actual audio from both sides. The new NSA bunker in UT is the bottomless pit of storage that is the recollection of Mordor.
It's the ultimate Essential Elements of Friendly Information repository and sorting table. Add in the real-time location-finding of smart-fones and FarceBook, combined with the VISA card that calls home whenever used or near an RFID terminal, and they know everything not left in your prayers.
The Federal government has declared war on the American people. It's time to pick up your rifles and defend your country, your homes, and your families. Anyone still working for this government is a traitor to the Constitution and the American People, and they are your enemy. Anyone STILL working for the NSA, FBI, ATF, IRS, Secret Service, or politician that has done nothing about Obama's fake ID or the government's transgression of the Constitution should be on your list - and that includes the so-called TEA party "conservative" politicians who have done Nothing to defend the Constitution they swore an oath to defend. The time is now people, or learn to be content in your slavery.
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