Friday, June 14, 2013

Needing a war to change the subject from domestic scandals? Think Syria.

U.S.: Syria used chemical weapons, crossing "red line"


WarriorClass III said...

It's not just a diverson, it's treason.

Article 3, Section 3 of the US Constitution states:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against THEM, or in adhering to THEIR enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

The words in caps, "THEM" and "THEIR" refer to the American People. Anyone levying war against the American People, or adhering to THEIR enemies by giving those enemies aid and comfort is a TRAITOR to America and their Constitution.

This current regime is at the very least giving "aid and comfort" to the sworn enemies of the American People in Syria, and at worst levying war against them (the PRISM system is a military intelligence machine, used for the purpose of making war against the American People).

This regime has declared war on the American people, and is the enemy of freedom, the Constitution and America.

Refuse. Resist. Remove.

Be Americans.

black rifle said...

yep, been telling my friends to expect a new war this summer if the usual deny, delay, deny, delay tactic quits working for Barry. All it will take is someone sneezing in the middle east. I told them to expect $5 gasoline as well.

Anonymous said...

I've decided that I don't give a damn if muslims kill each other. Nation-building has gotten us nothing. We should stay out of the conflict in Syria. The more muslims that kill each other instead of killing us, the better off we are. The lives of a million muslims are not worth the life of one American soldier! If we try to support the faction we want to win by giving them arms, even if the recipients of our support win, the government they form will still be against us. So, I rejoice when muslims kill each other.

- Old Greybeard

Anonymous said...

I agree that we shouldn't support Syrian rebels....but I believe there is fast approaching a time when Al-Assad will be humanity's most formidable opponent to freedom. Keep an eye on what happens in Syria.