Thursday, June 6, 2013

"Journalism professor" who called for NRA firing squads whines: "Can we put guns down and talk?"



Anonymous said...

He's worried because now that he's overloaded his hummingbird ass with his alligator mouth, we have the guns and the will to use them, and he doesn't have either the guns OR the will.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

Apparently Chris Swindell thinks Obama is the problem. LOL....he needs to wake up. The problem is systemic and collapse IS coming....but I guess b/c Mr. Swindell has become the self-appointed leader of what can and cannot be said (to protect civilized society, of course) and he clearly also wants to dictate our natural right of self defense, we should all just capitulate to his better judgement. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

Tried to post there but I don't do facebutt so I will post here.

No, we cannot now or ever get along. Your mind and heart are not conducive of that and we cannot trust you or anyone like you with our rights nor those of our children. You have told us what you want done, and who you want to accomplish it for you, with total disregard for the constitution, bill of rights and the actual correspondences of the founders of this country.

If we are to have any rights at all, we dare not trust anyone like you.

William Flatt said...

The fact that the radical left has publicly admitted to wanting the democide of gun owners reveals the inner darkness of their hearts, and that darkness will not be dispelled by caveats, retractions, or public apologies. You cannot espouse an extreme position, then credibly retreat to a more moderate position once you've realized you have spoken outside the pale.

America's radical left, in true Stalinist/Maoist fashion, has repeatedly articulated their desire to commit the mass murder of all of their ideological opponents. This desire is in their DNA, so to speak, so I do not for one believe for a minute their lies of feigned civility and reasonableness. We have seen how they lust for violence against the rest of us, as demonstrated in bloody color in Wisconsin and other places where leftist street action has reared its ugly head. I have nothing to say to them; they are the domestic enemies of the Constitution & individual liberty, and I for one will not negotiate with them!

If anything, they have set the rules of engagement; war or slavery. So no, I have no intention of putting my guns down EVER. If they want me to put 'em down so badly, they can come get them!


Anonymous said...


How about “HELL NO!!”

He is so inconsistent in his writing it is laughable. On one hand, he compliments us. Then he turns around and insults us. He expresses concern for government overreach, then turns around and chastises Rep. Issa for trying to stop it. He tries to soothe us by saying he supports the 2nd Amendment and shares a love of firearms, then turns around and says he wants us disarmed. What a moke!!

“Professor” Swindell says he wants us all to “put down the guns and compromise”.

No Thanks.

To Leftists like him, “compromise” means that *we* give up something (actually, we give up a lot less than he wanted in the first place, but we’re still giving something up), while *he* gives up nothing. Eventually, his “compromise” means that in the end, he gets it all.

It’s along the same logic as saying that you have to endure a “2% pay cut” when you received a 6% raise last year, but only a 4% raise this year. Bass-ackwards spin and word games.

Swindell’s ultimate goal is to get you to agree with him, “or else”.

This guy should have quit while he was behind. Now, he’s hit rock-bottom and has started to dig.

Anonymous said...

No, Hell NO. Chris, you shit in your apple butter and there is no fixing it. You can wish you hadn't but that doesn't undo it. By your idiotic, short sighted, possibly criminal statement, you openly admit a disdain for those that believe in liberty and logic. That didn't come about overnight.

So, Chris, you can go straight to Hell and if you need help, there are several of us that can provide the means.


Gunny G said...

To quote a great man: "FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!"

Swindel ain't fit to lick my boots.