Sunday, June 9, 2013

Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations

The 29-year-old source behind the biggest intelligence leak in the NSA's history explains his motives, his uncertain future and why he never intended on hiding in the shadows


Anonymous said...

The pro-NSA trolls are already coming out of the woodwork demanding to know why Snowden fled to Hong Kong instead of Iceland or Sweden.

1) I dunno, maybe because he knows NSA/CIA don't have too many Asian ethnicity black bag teams that can blend in?

2) Maybe because there would be serious consequences if USA attempted a drone assassination on Chinese soil, as opposed to a strongly worded letter from Iceland or Sweden?

3) Patriots/gun owners of all stripes -- the 3 letter agencies ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND. They are not on your side. Even if you personally know patriots inside these agencies their bosses have totally sold out to turning the gigantic intelligence machine/Eye of Sauron on the American people. Just like the upper echelons of DoD. Wake up!

Now is not the time to worry about one 29-year-old guy. Or engaging in Two Minutes Hates against Bradley Manning. Or worrying that Code Pink is backing Rand Paul. Who gives a crap? Take whoever comes forward to defend the Constitution.

Instead worry about how you're going to picket the nearest NSA hub/DHS threat fusion center in your town.

Anonymous said...

All in favor of NSA building a gun owner registry raise your right hand!

Anonymous said...

He was a Ron paul contributor in 2012. Thank God for him doing this and exposing the massive police state. Does the NSA program have anything to do with PATCON?

Anonymous said...

He donated $250 to Ron Paul in 2012. What an American hero this guy is! He is standing up the evil empire, knowing they are going to strike back at him.

Dakota said...

I think this man a hero. This is the type of thing that if more and more would come forward we might be able to straighten this thing out.

We must not allow the powers that be to hang this young man. If we expect people to try and do the right thing, then we must stand with them when they do.

Anonymous said...

I'm just waiting for the NSA backers to stop acting like Washington Wussies and just outright say, "Snitches get stitches, and wind up in ditches!". Maybe they can even start handing out no snitching t-shirts for casual fridays in govt offices. ;)

Anonymous said...

Somebody in the Obama regime really screwed up. I'll bet that being a Ron Paul supporter was supposed to be a disqualifier for a security clearance. After all, along with pro life people, patriots, gun rights advocates, and other people who believe in the Constitution, Ron Paul supporters are all domestic terrorists, right ? /sarc off/

11Fsteve in the desert said...

This is a very credibly worrisome video about the tax funded spy system in our own country. It is very sobering and will give you pause to think what it means to us and the future of our country.
Please take a few minutes and watch it.

11Fsteve in the desert

Anonymous said...

Not to be missed in the Swonden interview .. he says a new system will provide "next President" with "turnkey tyranny"

So ignore all those claims about what the White House is doing legally/illegally when listening to his message

Anonymous said...

quote:"Damn Manning for the gutless bastard who put other people's lives in danger. Hang that fucker."unquote..

I've read some stupid things in my life, but pal, you just redlined the fucking DUMB-O-METER. Acting as a psuedo prosecutor..please enter the evidence of your allegations, as I believe that is customary in American jurisprudence. Otherwise...shut the fuck up dimwit.

SWIFT said...

As I remember, Brazil does not have an extradition treaty with the U.S. He could get lost in a country that big. All that aside, God bless him for exposing the illegal, immoral activities of NSA. NSA has me wondering who they actually work for? Chinese? Russians? Israel? Just themselves? I quickly ruled out America. Anyway, just letting them know I'm ready to fight when ever they wish to send their thugs.

AJ said...

That, friends, is what real man looks like. Many talk big about takin' it to the MAN, but here is one guy who did it (along with Mike). I would happily take up a rifle to defend him.

Yank lll said...

A True American Hero setting the example for the rest of us.

Yank lll

Anonymous said...

"I'm just waiting for the NSA backers to stop acting like Washington Wussies and just outright say, "Snitches get stitches, and wind up in ditches!". Maybe they can even start handing out no snitching t-shirts for casual fridays in govt offices. ;)" Yep, they have the thug mentality. One wonders though if they would have such swag if Bracken's scenario came to pass in "What I Saw at the Coup".

Gunny G said...

Anon at 948.

Kiss my ass fuckwit. Manning dumped classified docs on wikileaks that had names, sources, and methods. Snowden exposed the NSA without endangering anyone OTHER than himself.

So eat a nice big bowl of shit on your way out scumbag.

PS: I don't hide behind an anonymous tag...pussy.

Paul X said...

You have to decide who your enemies are. Once you do that, it's clear Manning is every bit the hero that Snowden is - as is Julian Assange.

As to endangering lives, people in government do that every day. See this web page:

It's perfectly clear though, even if you don't buy this, that the "pro-NSA trolls" are not your friend. O'Reilly wants Snowden arrested for example. What a shill for tyrants that guy is.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to elevate anyone to hero status or lower anyone to traitor status - that is the job of the legal system to determine.
What I will do is observe the dichotomy of some folks who attempt to demonize one person for committing an allegedly illegal act (that innocent until proven guilty concept) while at the same time condoning illegal acts committed in the name of 'national security'. For our system to survive we must have a system that is above board (legal) in ALL of its activities. lindseygraham is the epitome of the group that thinks it is ok to allow unwarranted, unneeded and illegal acts on the part of the gummint since most folks don't have anything to hide.............

Gunny G - good differentiation between the acts of the two!

Anonymous said...

What happened with Snowden and Manning necessarily treason. The Constitution defines treason: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Treason requires an intent that is not present here -- to aid another country that is an avowed enemy. Disclosing illegal activities by your own government does not meet this standard. One can argue that it is in fact the duty of a citizen to disclose such acts. Under the law, concealing a crime makes you a party to it.

Anonymous said...

Of course by now we all know that Snowden's 'label' has now become one of 'espionage'. Espionage my ass - The practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments. Edward Snowden (says one column in is the new Paul Revere!