Friday, June 7, 2013

“Destroy the NRA.”

Rich ‘progressive’ bullies way into gun debate


AJ said...

I'm sure this will net me a visit from the FBI, but I'll still say it; assassination is an under-utilized political tool these days.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if they "destroy the NRA". They(NRA) are all a bunch of leftist anyway.

Anonymous said...

I visited Ken Lerer's web site ( It is the most disgusting thing I've seen in a long time. NRA members are literally the salt of the earth and are some of the most decent part of mankind. People who agree with the content of Lerer's web site are human trash who not only want to destroy The NRA, but want to destroy America as well. Lerer should definitely be on our list of those who want to destroy Liberty. Those people are ignorant idiots who feel but don't think. Thank our liberalized education systems for that.

- Old Greybeard

Anonymous said...

Greybeard; Stupid is supporting a group that has help pass more gun control laws than HCI the VPC or anyone else ever did. The NRA has done more damage to gun owners than all the ANTI-gun groups combined. And calling me Stupid ,retarded and ignorant just shows how a cowherd hides behind a keyboard. I all ways find it of interest that "Free speech" only means speech guys like YOU agree with.- Kind of like the democrats the nazis and the communists.- Name calling makes you read like an Obama worshiper.

William Flatt said...

I do wish people would stop arguing about the NRA. Yes, the NRA is guilty as charged of stabbing gun owners in the back... but that's the leaders & paid staff, NOT the membership.

Greybeard, thanks for defending the members - I presume you are an NRA member too. These are good people for the most part. Even if some are the 'prags' that Mike V. has condemned from time to time for compromising, the vast majority are unaware of the betrayal of the NRA leadership and unlikely to consider any of what the gun-owning critics have to say, absent some documentary proofs.

As such, sir, you should work to educate your fellow NRA members and switch to Gun Owners of America, our only 100% no-compromise gun rights group in the nation. These people are every bit as salt-of-the-earth as NRA members.

As for mr Anon@3:41am, you sir are an ignoramus and a troll. I kill trolls for sport and sustenance. You have been warned.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Flatt As I said, Isn't funny how free speech only works for speech you approve of. But you feel free to make death threats(A federal crime by the way) and call names. Both the act of a childish coward. Little meaningless rants like yours and Mr. Greybeards are why the left thinks all gun owners are murderous drunken redneck assholes. GROW UP.