Thursday, June 13, 2013

Another outrage from Big Sister's national secret political police.

Does a Constitution-free zone really exist in America?


WarriorClass III said...

How are you doing, Mike? Has your doctor come up with a new plan?

Keep the faith, brother, we are hear to support you.

WarriorClass III

Anonymous said...

If Yahoo news says it's not really a Constitution Free Zone, then I guess it isn't, LOL. See, where these people all seem to have it confused is the part where the Constitution is the SUPREME law of the land. It is not subservient to the regulations/rules or "laws" that contradict that supreme document. "Progressives" since the beginning foundations of the country have sought to 'define' what our rights are through these regulations....but that doesn't make them legitimate actions.

“To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions (is) a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.” -Thomas Jefferson

Is this the tripe that passes for journalism nowadays?

SWIFT said...

This border policy stinks but it may piss enough Americans off, that they come to realize a shooting war is the only way out of the police state. Recently, revelations of spying by NSA/CIA/FBI are not going un-noticed. Paying good money to be treated like shit by TSA effects a lot of people too. IRS targeting conservatives adds to the wake-up call. Soon, every American will be personally touched by some agency of government, in a less than friendly way. A silver lining there.

Anonymous said...

Sure, a Constitution free zone exists. . . . within the brain and between the ears of the bipedal upright homonoid benighted non-leader currently residing within the Red Shed in Mordor by the Potomac.

And every other brainless zombie beaurocrat within the gubbment takes their verbal non-written dog-whistle code words cue from said above non-leader.

B Woodman

Paul X said...

The Constitution-free zone is the entire United States.

When are people going to tire of these legalistic arguments and understand we have just a gang of criminals running the government?

Anonymous said...

I for one vehemently despise the ACLU: They were founded by communists and have consistently worked to promote communist subversion, even to this day. It supports government funding of political campaigns, government-funded abortion on demand, government monopoly on violence (gun control), open borders and total amnesty for all illegal aliens, and opposes the death penalty in all cases whatsoever - including the constitutionally mandated penalty for treason.

The ACLU also opposes incarceration for all but the most heinous of crimes, not just victimless offenses. They consistently support America's domestic enemies of the Constitution, and conveniently neglect the things that the feds do to destroy the Constitution, such as spying on the American people, assassination of citizens who are declared to be enemies of the state, etc. Their victories include the abolition of students' free exercise of religion and the eviction of God from all classrooms except for church-operated schools; and if they are allowed to have their way, all Christian evangelism, preaching, teaching, etc. will be outlawed on the grounds of "hate speech".

Because of their role in destroying our Republic, every paid employee of the ACLU should be on every patriot's list of high-value targets, along with the tyrants and jack-booted thugs. These people are collectivists of the worst sort; they destroy our God-given inalienable Rights in the name of defending government-bestowed privileges ("civil rights").

William Flatt said...

Deprivation of Rights under color of law is a felony. It's a capital crime when lethal force is used.

Somebody wants to come at me like that, I hope they have an adequate supply of body bags, they'll need 'em. I enforce my rights.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 10:52a on June 13th clearly doesn't follow the ACLU very much...

They are staunch supporters of basically all of the BoR EXCEPT the 2A.

I don't like them for most of their liberal interpretations and left/collectivist leanings....but trying to claim they don't oppose domestic surveillance programs is ignorance of their very public positions on the matter.

"Conservatives" better wake up and realize that while the ACLU has a communist back ground and history, and that the ACLU uses a "liberal" viewpoint to justify its stances, those interpretations actually benefit us all.

Example: "Conservatives" were all for the Patriot Act when it first came out and the ACLU warned against it. The ACLU opposed it b/c it would target Muslims, but conservatives welcomed it (largely b/c it targeted dirty, brown people AKA Muslims)....when conservatives should have opposed it b/c eventually, as we are now will be used against US.

The ACLU has been one of the biggest voices against the NDAA...again, in direct contradiction to your comment that they turn a blind eye to state sponsored assassinations and spying programs.

The ACLU is duplicitous when taking about religion and school since they only seek to bar Christianity/Judaism from the schools and not other religions like Islam....

So while it may seem I am defending the ACLU, I am not....merely pointing out that some of what they push as their liberal/socialist agenda actually benefits us all in terms of the liberty those stances provide.

FedUp said...

"Searches within the 100-mile extended border zone, and outside of the immediate border-stop location, must meet three criteria: a person must have recently crossed a border; an agent should know that the object of a search hasn’t changed; and that “reasonable suspicion” of a criminal activity must exist, says the CRS."

Oh, yeah?
How about the minister from Arizona who claims he was beaten far from the actual border for refusing consent to a search as he was on his way home from San Diego, USA, not Tijuana, Mexico:

Anonymous said...

"Soon, every American will be personally touched by some agency of government"

Now that's funny right there! I don't care who you are!