Monday, January 11, 2016

On not knowing the difference between excrement and shinola. SPLC smears again.

"Colonial symbolism prevalent in anti-government movement."


Anonymous said...

Well, it must be a slow news day. This is all pointless drivel, even if it is true.

It doesn't matter today, how many fought in the revolution. Any new revolution will turn on media handling, and better cooperation than apparent in any of the recent III%/OK/impromptu militia 'events', combined with well over 10% public support.

Nevertheless: "If you don't like the news, go out and make some of your own" -- Scoop Nisker

Anonymous said...

"A Colonial Army general created the flag for the Revolutionary War, and has been repurposed as a symbol of government defiance. The biggest difference in the present use of the flag and the historic context is the defiance of one's own government rather than that of a foreign nation." -- from the linked SPLC article


Excuse me! In 1775, the government of the 13 colonies on the North American eastern seaboard was King George III and the UK parliament. Therefore those colonists who ran, some of them for miles, to join the fight at Lexington and Concord in The Kings Colony of Massachusetts were on their way to fire upon the troops of their own government, not one of a foreign occupier.

The United States of America would not exist for another 14 years. We've all seen lunacy and drivel from SPLC over the years, but this one is right out of a Loony Tune.

Anonymous said...

" The biggest difference in the present use of the flag and the historic context is the defiance of one's own government rather than that of a foreign nation."

When the author makes such a basic error, he should just be dismissed. Britain was not a foreign nation.

Anonymous said...

Quote "Among the images most closely associated with the movement is the Gadsden Flag, which has the image of a rattlesnake over the phrase, "Don't tread on me."
A Colonial Army general created the flag for the Revolutionary War, and has been repurposed as a symbol of government defiance. The biggest difference in the present use of the flag and the historic context is the defiance of one's own government rather than that of a foreign nation."

There is no more accurate comparison for our present condition than the one of the government of the U.S. being compared to the government of King George III.
The U.S. government denies us the "rights" that were supposedly guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, just as the American colonists, who were British subjects, were denied the "rights" and privileges granted them by British law.
Apparently the slugs at the Subversive Perverted Liberal Cockroaches can't or won't see the truth when it stares them in the face.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Potok said. "It's a completely false claim ..."

Yep. Claims from the Southern Preposterous Lie Centre often are.

Can envision Potok sticking his finger into a bowl of shinola, sucking it and saying:
It IS Sh*t!

Ma Duce

idahobob said...

I cannot imagine why any person with a functional brain would pay any attention to the drivel that comes from the lips of this pack of sexual deviants at the splc.

splc: the only true part of the name for this deviant organization is southern.


Anonymous said...

the SPLC should be forcefully and permanently dissolved by outside parties.....The threat to American patriots is blatantly obvious.

Sign Me, Neal Jensen

Chiu ChunLing said...

"The biggest difference in the present use of the flag and the historic context is the defiance of one's own government rather than that of a foreign nation."


Teach us more of our nation's true history, O enlightened ones.