Throwing away that Mandate of Heaven thing with both hands and kicking it down the street.
Obama Goes Rogue: Is He Having His ‘Katrina Moment’?
I was asked in Colorado why this whole self-delegitimization is important. I explained: you cannot pull off a Reichstag Fire unless the people believe the propaganda minister. You cannot persuade a skeptical people to surrender their sovereignty. Every self-inflicted blow to this wannabe tyrant's credibility makes it less likely that he will be believed in a crisis and more likely that he will be resisted.
See also: America's Self-Made Immigration Disaster
But by not thinking through the incentives the current immigration mess creates—or at least not thinking about more than domestic political considerations—we now have two crises on our hands. The first involves the children. The second is a crisis of legitimacy as we have ceded our immigration policy to conditions abroad beyond our control.
LATER: See also this description of the running sore of the IRS scandal: More Than a Smidgen
The Gates of Hell Have Opened and the US Is Being Attacked and Occupied: “They Are Here and Awaiting Orders”
1. The United States is being overrun by illegal immigrants from Central and South America as well as West Africa and the Caribbean.
2. These immigrants are not being health screened for Ebola, Dengue Fever, drug resistant TB et al.
3. These immigrants are being transported, at taxpayers’ expense to nearly every metropolitan and mid-sized community in the United States. This constitutes an invasion with a lot of risk factors and unknown variables.
4. The Border Patrol and detention facility medical personnel are being threatened with prison if they reveal just how bad the unfolding crisis is.
5. The United Nations is in the process of prepositioning military assets on American soil and there is no hiding the evidence.
6. An inevitable health crisis will ensue and the UN “Peacekeepers” will be rolled out to “save the day.” In actuality, they will become an occupation force as has been the case in the past crises.
Is Lois a slow Lerner - or has she been 'licked' into shape?
I don't understand why people are mad that Obama is checking out. Do they really want him actively pursuing his usual policies? As far as I'm concerned, the more time he spends on the golf course or playing pool, the better.
Also, the lack of initiative and backbone shown over this immigration stuff is amazing. Can only the Prez solve problems in America? Heaven help us!
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