Monday, July 21, 2014

Request For Arming Orders For Louisiana National Guard During Katrina

In an age where no Governor or President has the courage to deploy the National Guard under arming orders to the Southern Border, it’s important to understand how the confiscation of guns occurred in Louisiana. If the National Guard was actually under arming orders, it marks a significant point in American history. No National Guard unit has ever deployed to the Southern border to stop the flood of illegal immigrants, but they will go armed against their own countrymen in order to confiscate personal property.


Toastrider said...

It does appear that Gov. Perry has deployed the Texas NG to the southern border though. I hope he's got no expectation of shaming President Zero into doing the right thing, though.

Anonymous said...

To effectively pull information from the National Guard, the FOIA is the right initial step.
The advice to use analog methods to register the request are a necessary step.
The National Guard chain of command in any state goes to the State Adjutant General. That staff will also have an office of the inspector general

Has the phone numbers, addresses and errata to pursue that angle, as well as spells out the path to properly go the IG route.

Anonymous said...

The only national Guard Units I saw were from Oklahoma and are prime subjects in their carrying out of their disarming civilian duties in a documentary on the subject.. there were a bunch of pseudo cops running around and movie stars..